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☠ ☠ ☠ Starting a Clan! Need more Survivors! ☠ ☠ ☠

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Update: 14 committed members with 8 active players at the moment. 20+ signed up.

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I'd like to join up if it's possible. Been playin for a few weeks, have a few friends who might be willing to join as well. Shoot me a PM.

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Really would like to be with a team that knows what they are doing and your groups seem like thay do, so hit me with a pm.

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I'm kinda interrested, I've played since 1.6 patch, I'm 19, got a mic and skype, can DL anything else if needed.

I usually just play with a friend or two, but I enjoy more playing with other people,

We're tierd of people getting us killed, so going in a bit bigger group would be perfect!

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I'll be sending messages to the 3 of u. If you havent got one already that is.

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I am very interested in joining. I only picked up dayz recently but am very interested in playing with a group, as solo play has been treating me rather harshly. Please let me know!

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What experience level do you require for new members? I would be interested in more information as well. Steam name: paul_armstrong

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If you are still looking for members i'm game, shoot me a pm.

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Hey guys!

Just need a few info! PM me the following and i will send you guys the link. Thanks!

1. How much experience do you have?

2. Where are you from?

3. Age?

4. Do you have a mic?

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Interested in the group if your still recruiting,

1. How much experience do you have? Just over week, I learn quickly and have a tactical mindset.

2. Where are you from? Las Vegas NV

3. Age? 33

4. Do you have a mic? yes

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Steam name: Yesanditsall4u (See Minecraft Parody (18+) for clarification of name)

Age: 28

Location: St. Louis, MO

Time playing: Logged well over 80 hours so far (know the geography incredibly well)

Have mics (there are technically two of us)

Just some fun facts:

Prefer sniper loadout

Never alone, always running with at least one person

Edited by Nitewing03

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been playin for around a week and can survive for around a few hours up until the point i feel i want better weapons and get shot in the back by a F****n bandit

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Hey fellas!

Please send me a message with your info if you haven't already - i will direct you to our sign-up form then (if you qualify).

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I am interested in joining. Not very much experience (about 4 hours total) but I have the hang of most things including evading zombies/bandits and stealth looting in small towns.

I am 18, I have a mic and I play in the US for best ping.

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Send me a PM.

We are still recruiting. Please refer to the OP for needed info for application.

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Was Added by 2 of your members on Steam..Posted in your official thread on GTP, no info given, and Posts ignored.

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