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☠ ☠ ☠ Starting a Clan! Need more Survivors! ☠ ☠ ☠

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Just started a group! Only 2 weeks old but we've already had great adventures!

We have 14 active members (only showing 6 below) and about 20+ signed up!

We have our own rented server and use Teamspeak 3!

***PM me the following information so i can send you a link to our FORUM and SIGN-UP FORM!***

Location & Age

Do you have a Mic?

How much DayZ (or ARMA II) experience do you have?

Post here if you have any further questions/comments/inquiries!

Pics below only shows 6 members! We have more than 20+ at the moment (14 active players)



Edited by Masi_23

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I am playing Dayz since yesterday. After a rough 3 hours start where I learned that I'm a mega noob as I don't know where to find good stuff etc I finally gatherd some med supplies food, a winchester and a revolver, But I don't want to lose all my stuff (Like map, binoc's, matches knife etc) so I want to play in a Group.

I'm on 200 zombie kills and 0 murders and 0 bandit kills.

I'm friendly and don't shoot anyone if he isn't trying to kill me.

I'm 20, have a Mic and a TS3 Server and I really need a group to play with.

My Steam is either StanYz or stanbeccer I never know if you can add me with my nick or my id name :S

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I'm interested.

My timezone is GMT -5 and I've just started looking for a new server to play on since I heard Chicago 31 was going down.

I'm 27 and have a mic.

Steam name : BadKarma033

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Steam: Kevin51501

I'm 26, and experienced with the game. Definitely interested in tagging along with you guys, but I have to start fresh since I just lost my character to a AS-50 at Stary after I took out 2 of his buddies :( with a DMR. Oh well. But yeah, shoot me a message on steam, I'm ready to go whenever if you guys still need more.

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My brother and I are interested in finding a group. The people we play with right now aren't so great. After a day, my brother and I finally got the hang of things and can survive everything but ambushes apparently... we just got murdered at night... Seems once we have decent loot, something terrible goes wrong. Would love a group to work with that isn't terrible. :) We have TS and Skype.

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If your still accpeting people i would love to join if possible seems to be every time something goes right it ends up with me dead so i am looking for a group to watch my back =D, I do have a mic but i don't like to talk much i listen carefully so if say something i will be listening :P and will talk in certain situations if needed such as if we got pinned down somewhere getting shot at and i saw the guy shooting or something like that :P

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You are welcome to join. PM'ed you the forum link.

Anyone else? PM or Post please.

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What sort of time do you usually play?

Could well be up for this but usually start playing quite late (11 - 12am GMT). I'm 21 have a mic etc and would be up for playing right now/tonight if possible.

Cheers, Alex

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I'm in! I'm 24 in GMT-4 time zone. PM me here or my steam is Jvc534.

I've been playing Arma for about a year now so I am very familiar with the mechanics.

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I'm interested, I'm 25 and live in GMT+3 during daylight savings. Currently don't have a mic but considering getting one and certainly will if I find a group to play with. Time zones could be a problem since at least a few of the replies here are quite a few zones away from me.

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Ok, here's the current status.

There about 8 members commited, with 4 active players at the moment. This does not include the interested people in this thread. We have rented a server and is currently figuring out a best timeslot(s) for weekly sessions. Currently, Friday night GMT time has been talked about (around 6pm in GMT or Noon in US Pacific Time). This would allow NA and Euro players the ability to play together :)

Mondays and Wednesday can also be regular meeting days. Around the same time slot also.

Please PM me for a direct link to our Forums.

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Created a sign-up form inside our forum.

Please PM me if you haven't already been given a direct link.

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If your still around i have TS Skype and steam, looking for a group! I especially need to find a server that isn't full of camping snipers. Not horribly experienced, only been playing 2 days, something like 20 zombie kills and survival average of a few hours because i work slow and stealthy.

Steam Deathstalker2423

Skype Kreyesh25

IGN Kreyesh

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Yo, 31. Only been playing since yesterday but I've got an extensive background in gaming/mmo's and am already doing very well in DayZ but would like to have some buddies to roll with. 4 years fleet commander in EvE so I understand teamwork, coms etc. CST and plenty of available hours to play.

TS, Vent, Steam ready but send me a PM if you guys could use a player with a good head on his shoulders.


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