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Why not sweeping/resetting Servers and Characters with every new Version?

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In b4 "omg u just jelly because you have no good gear and suck"... well yeah, tell this to my m24 and m4 sd.

My point is this:

At the current state only a small percentage of the community really contributes to the testing we're ment to do. A lot of the groups that are active players just concentrate on hoarding high-value items in case one of them dies. After respawn the player then just grabs a new gear out of the tent and just plays on as if nothing happened. Permadeath, lolwat.

Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy that I found myself a group wich would try everything to secure whatever gear possible from my corpse, but this massive storing of gear completely negates the effect of possible loss in this mod. If you don't have to care for your gear, you are more willing to risk it, ie go for the pvp in heavy populated zones (in order to piss people off, because your gear is high end already)

Second thing: Vehicles

Again, in b4 "omg u just jelly because you never found a car, moron". Well, I did and more than once.

No, I won't deny anyone the right to hide his ride once he found and repaired it. But those massive off-map parkinglots you come across sometimes are just ridiculous. I won't complain on how it's "unfair" that one group manages to obtain "all" the vehicles on a server because they "hack" and are "friends with the admins/the admins" because:

-It is totally fair.

-5-10 is not "all"

-I ran across some too

-I don't know a single admin

Both things are heaviely frowned upon by some parts of the community.

But, both things are completely legit. There are several valid points to both behaviours and it's rather foolish to argument against it.


This is an Alpha Version. As we all agree on that (well, I don't include people to my statement who think they know better than rocket about how much this mod proceeds) we are not players, but testers.

Why does this in any way support the question in the topic?

Well, for once, those groups with large storages are surely amongst the most active players in DayZ, ie they have good chances to come along some bug and report them. But, when excluded from many parts of the game because they simply have no need to "waste their time" searching for first basic loot, crawl through zombie-filled villages, this possible advantage (in terms of testing) is wildly negated to the state of "hit detection is laggy" and "barracks just spawn bullshit"

Same thing for vehicles. If they are all just stashed away behind some trees and mainly used as storages for guns and supply, it simply doensn't contribute to testing. How to know if vehiclespawns work correctly for example? Also, the more players come to drive them, the more likely a bug might be discovered and reported.

So, is it legit to store masses of gear to avoid starting all over again after death? Yes, definitely. Is it legit to store away vehicles for your group/to deprive other groups of them. Yes, it is. But do these actions contribute to the testing of the game?

No, I don't think they do. I know, a lot of people cling to their gear or zombiekill-counts and will just hate to lose them. I don't. This is Alpha, our stats will get wiped one way or another, our gear will vanish, all our progress ingame will be lost.

So, why not make everyone start over again when a new version comes out? Make everyone experience possible flaws, pros and newbs alike, on the same stage. Gearing up again, sneaking around zeds, all these things which could need tweaking...

I, for one, think it could do something to result in a better game on the long term, instead of playing as if it was already retail...

Any thoughts on this idea (if possible, none of those I "in b4"ed already)?

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Seems pretty harsh...

how about some admit dickmunch feels like resetting on a lobby full of 60 people?

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I think it would only be good when we have large change logs like whats comeing in the next patch.

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I say first, yes this should happen but the decision on which build should lead to a full wipe of characters and servers--should be determined by Rocket and his team.

I believe when the social/team/ settlement mechanics and large changes in gear/loot table spawns are implemented, then this will happen do the Devs can see if there design promotes the environment they wish to have.

I'm going to make a guess in the next 2-3 builds we will have a server character full wipe.

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it has been too long already. has there even been a wipe since it started? such a simple step to take and all of a sudden all those dupers and server hoppers have nothing... is it so hard to do?

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Of course it's not necessary if rocket just switches the colour of a bush from autumn orange to spring green, but in case of greater changes I think this is absolutely viable. And yes, it surely is rockets decision when to do so, but I think it should happen frequently.

And afaik, killing the server does not kill the characters, so this would be up to rocket or BI.

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... make everyone start over again when a new version comes out? Make everyone experience possible flaws' date=' pros and newbs alike, on the same stage. Gearing up again, sneaking around zeds, all these things which could need tweaking...




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Imagine the flood of players tearing eachother to pieces along the beach.

Would have been amusing to watch.

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I agree but it should be determined on a case-by-case basic. Major changes to "end-game" content? No wipe. Stuff like "no starting gun" should result in a wipe to better gauge its impact on the game. General changes? I believe that would warrant a wipe too. We are testers after all.

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I feel this would be very good with 1.7.2 as there are a lot of fixes against duping and such things. Better clean them duped shits out.

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When duping protection is properly implemented then their should be a complete hive wipe. Duping is rampant among some clans.

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unless something major like "settlements" and / or rpg mechanics will be introduced it will have sense.

tho wiping everything with each version is good idea if you want to get even more whining threads/posts

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It enables us to test the mechanics affecting players in latter stages of play as there will always be players starting at square one.

We may do something that affects high tier equipment, players who have a certain skin or perhaps even people who have been alive a certain amount of time. It's nice to be able to identify any issues as quickly as possible and work on resolving them rather than requiring everyone to rebuild only to discover some game breaking super bug with some new or accidentally broken feature days or weeks down the track.

At the current stage of development it's making sense for us to keep doing things as we're doing them now however I am a big fan of scratching things and giving everyone a level playing field at appropriate times. I'm sure it will happen sooner or later, and probably a few times (if not quite a few) during testing. For now we'll just see how things keep traveling.


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I was very much against this idea when I initially read the thread title. However, the OP makes some excellent points and has changed my mind about it. I don't really understand the fun of hoarding however. The appeal of it is high initially but the more I play the less attached I get to my gear. I used to be so butthurt after I found a T4 pack and then lost it 15 minutes later. It gets easier to handle every death. I think it would be that way with every wipe if this was implemented. People would be so upset at first but I have a feeling they'd soon get used to it.

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