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A 0.51 Experimental adventure - The Day and The Night. From PVP to self cannibalism!

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I like your videos, you seem to be a decent fella. But one thing I'm wondering about. You shoot a guy for having his weapon out, but you always run around with your own weapon out? I also do this, for safety reasons or for dual weaponry, but this means that if we meet up you will most likely shoot me?

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I like your videos, you seem to be a decent fella. But one thing I'm wondering about. You shoot a guy for having his weapon out, but you always run around with your own weapon out? I also do this, for safety reasons or for dual weaponry, but this means that if we meet up you will most likely shoot me?


That's not why I shot him. I shot him because the guy I'd just met spoke to him and then the guy I shot pulled his weapon out instead of talking back, the guy I'd just met then shot at him leaving me a split second to decide what to do. As soon as the guy I hit started talking I stopped firing, he then returned fire so I carried on.


If you have your gun lowered and talk back I wouldn't fire first as per pretty much all my vids. However if you raise your gun or don't talk back and act like you are up to something then I will decide on what I think you are up to.


I did try to explain in the vid. The guy could still have rescued it when he started talking but instead he fired and then that was that. It wasn't ideal but these things happen in split seconds....

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