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Reyn (DayZ)

Cannibalism, Clothing, Molotov's & Stamina/weight.

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I think it'll be pretty cool if there were some ideas put into the game like;

Cannibalism - If there was a option to eat a player for blood regeneration or to help your hunger.

Environment - Possibly there could be drastic changes to your players body if they were to climb a mountain (experiences cold due to the height & windy conditions)

Clothing - There should be more options to clothing, Bandit clothing should be brought back in but not automatically put onto the player after killing people, by finding it like you do with the guile suit and camo clothing. There could be some sort of cannibalism skin (But should automatically be put onto the player (maybe like torn clothing) only after consuming on over 5-10 players) Some type of clothing that'll keep you warm.

Molotov's - They would be pretty handy to use against mobs of zombies & players but would it be able to destroy trees & wooden buildings???

Stamina/weight - Running around alot in the game should get you fatigued (notice the amount of players that just run through towns to get zombies after them & then re-log) also carrying alot of stuff in your bag-pack should weigh you down by making you run slower & making your footsteps louder or if you didn't have anything in your bag-pack it should make your footsteps quieter.


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Eating other players? No.

Environmental factors affecting temperature? Yes.

Clothing? Add more please, don't add conditions for it.

Molotovs? Yes.

Stamina? Maybe, no. As it is, people would disconnect more. Also, you spawn without a weapon and zombies are kind of random in detecting you, so stamina would suck if you couldn't run away. They really should make zombies no despawn when you disconnect, and instead should spawn in with you. I'm not sure but weight is already partially ingame, but adding a slowdown based on everything you carry would just make a long journey even longer.

Seriously, crouch run from one side of the map to the other and time it, that's pretty much what you'd be asking for with more weight.

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^ pretty much what he said. Keep the ideas coming though!

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