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Suggestion for broken legs

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It would be cool if there was more depth for broken legs and limbs. Here are some suggestions i thought up quickly. Feel free to post yours.

1. If my friend breaks his leg I should be able to have him lean on my shoulder and hop.

2. Some broken legs should be manageable with a splint while some could really mess up your player. IE: Jumping out a window with a 10 foot drop vs. taking a 7.62 54r shot to the shin. The mild broken legs should be manageable with a splint while the devastating breaks should immobilize the player unless they find a wheelchair in the hospital :p.

3. The ability to lay your friend in a car/helicopter if he's unconscious or has a broken leg.

4. Make it possible to break two legs. This should have them crawling at an incredibly slow pace. So if my newspawn tied up in the forest tries to run away before I pour bleach down his throat then eat him I cant break both of his legs so he can never get away. Of course I can't move him to another location without a transport.

5. A cracking/snapping sound when you break your leg would be a nice feature. When I broke my leg my friends heard it 20-30 feet away.

6. When you try to walk before your leg is in a splint or completely healed there should be a chance to make the injury worse.

That's all I have for now.

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Wait, wait...why would you pour bleach down his throat if you're going to eat him? That seems counterproductive. 

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