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Dayz doesn't feel like dayz and heres 2 reasons whyu

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DayZ doesn't feel like DayZ because there are way too many who play it like CoD.  Has nothing to do with music.

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I enjoy the silence. Dont want it to change.


And i deffinatly dont want changing music, based on what you are doing.

Im gonna use TES: Oblivion as an example here, one of my all time favorite games, with some of the greatest RPG ambient music ever made (IMHO).

But when you are going along your day, the music is playing in the background and some wolf jumps out of a bush, the music changes instantly to another track and break immersion completely for me.

I would never want that for DayZ! Either let it be like now, or give us ambient music which doesnt change based on your actions.

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