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Bodies disappear after kill

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I'm a little confused so maybe someone can help me? Today, I had three player kills. One guy had a really nice rifle and I was excited to be able to loot it. Well all three of the players right after I killed them sunk into the earth. In the new patch are you not allowed to loot player corpses anymore?

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I saw this in NW barracks the player slowly sunk through the floor flys buzzing and all

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This has started to become a rather annoying problem. I remember in earlier versions when a body would only despawn if someone used the "hide body" option. It seems totally random now. I dunno what change rocket has made but it isn't working out. I appreciate we need to discourage players from simply retrieving their items after death but it's also rather annoying for the winner of a gunfight as it is right now.

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Yes, I've been wondering about this too. Was the despawn time for bodies changed recently? I find bodies disappear after about 5-10 minutes - they used to stay for much much longer.

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It isn't always 5-10 minutes. Check this video for example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpNiPnhCCb4&feature=g-upl

The dude climbing the ladders kills the two on the roof. Notice that the victim with the L85 starts sinking into the building almost instantly after death. I'm starting to think it's related to the player disconnecting from the server but far from certain.

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It isn't always 5-10 minutes. Check this video for example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpNiPnhCCb4&feature=g-upl

The dude climbing the ladders kills the two on the roof. Notice that the victim with the L85 starts sinking into the building almost instantly after death. I'm starting to think it's related to the player disconnecting from the server but far from certain.

YES!!!!!!! That's exactly what happened all three freaking times today! Is that the alt f4ing that Hitler is talking about?

That really pisses me off! I'm going to go to these douche bags houses and shoot them for real and see how they alt f4 out of that!

If that's the case I'll tell you what, the clan PFB are a bunch of dick head pussies. =)



PS My buddy and I got killed by a door glitch hitting us in the face breaking our bones and making us unconscious and bleed out. Our bodies were still there about an hour and 15 minutes later. That's just to answer someone elses question. That was about a week ago.

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I have an idea of what the problem might be.

I think that the server cleans up multiples of the same player's corpse. So if you die, respawn, and then run back to your corpse, it will probably be there. But if you die, respawn, die again, then respawn again, your old body will be automatically cleaned up to prevent server load from all the corpses.

It sucks, because it can be exploited by killing yourself repeatedly to deny your killers from looting you.

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I have an idea of what the problem might be.

I think that the server cleans up multiples of the same player's corpse. So if you die' date=' respawn, and then run back to your corpse, it will probably be there. But if you die, respawn, die again, then respawn again, your old body will be automatically cleaned up to prevent server load from all the corpses.

It sucks, because it can be exploited by killing yourself repeatedly to deny your killers from looting you.


Check the video man. There's no way that victim with the L85 could have respawned twice that quickly.

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Check the video man. There's no way that victim with the L85 could have respawned twice that quickly.

I think the game was punishing the guy for using third person in that manner

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Its when a player dies and disconnects without respawning. This is why I leave servers every time, I die to piss off the bandit wanting my loot.

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Check the video man. There's no way that victim with the L85 could have respawned twice that quickly.

I think the game was punishing the guy for using third person in that manner

Hahaha. 3rd person really is god awful.

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