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Side chat poll!

Side chat  

6 members have voted

  1. 1. Should they bring back side chat?

    • Yes
    • No

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Don't know if this has been done but i would really like to see how many people would like to see side chat come back. I for one would for the sole fact that i loved hearing about what people are up to in the world, what groups are out there and how people are getting on, it's what made dayz awesome to play. Please don't get butt hurt and start shouting about "Uhh you stupid fag Fella nobody likes side chat, it's not realistic blah blah blah" i'm just interested in peoples opinions on it.

Edited by Steak and Potatoes

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Reason: This is the apocalypse, you don't know who or where people are so you should not be able to communicate with them outside the means the game already gives you - proximity voice or chat.

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Hmm thought these might be the opinions, but i'll wait till more people vote, thanks for the feedback guys :D

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There have been polls and discussions about it enough. Please make sure to search before posting.


The devs have removed it for a reason and it will not come back. It is a gamep design decision, which will not be rolled back.

you stupid fag

This kind of language isn't needed. Not even to prove a point, disguised as a quote. Edited by kichilron
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