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St. Jimmy

People getting motion sickness in games. Check this topic and try to take few tips.

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First things first:


If you're getting motion sickness in 1st person mode then first thing you should do if you already haven't is to turn off post processing from your graphic options and second thing is to get rid of head bob from gameplay options.


Changing field of view can make scope mildots not work properly. I'm not sure about the default values for every aspect but you'll likely find them in the internet or someone posts them here.

What I can say that default for me with 1920*1080 16:9 FoV is 90 degrees, fovTop=0.75 and fovLeft=1.3333 but not sure about the fov= which can change everything.


Now for the real thing :)






Here's some quote from rawalanche in BIS forums http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?185063-Why-does-ArmA-3-have-console-FoV&p=2810252&viewfull=1#post2810252


Here's some words from him:

My screen is 16:10 1920*1200 24 inch panel, and default is far from sufficient.

I even made a picture explaining why FoV in games should never be rigid, and especially in such advanced game as ArmA, which is all about customization.

In general, not all people do get motion sick when FoV is not properly aligned with the setting they plan in, but there is significant amount of people who do, and here's why we get sick:


First row shows situation where you sit in average distance from your screen, and your screen is of average size, but games you play have variable FoV. On the left is game with too narow FoV, which is not adjustable. You can see how tapered the field of view gets, and if you imagine looking on your screen as if you were through a window, everything behind the window looks as if you were permanently zoomed in. Especially in closed quarters, and looking around makes game world swing faster across your screen than your brain expects, which causes confusion and results to nausea.

In the middle is game with FoV that happens to align  with your setting, so you have no issues at all. On the right, you can see effect of overshot FoV, which results to that usual "fisheye" effect.

Second row shows same situation, but your screen size changes and FoV is fixed. If you have correct FoV for average desktop computer, but you play the game on something fully, like let's say 15" laptop, then you will get fisheye effect. With average screen, you are a happy camper, and with too large screen, you can get motion sick even with correct desktop FoV.

Third row shows that it also matters how far you sit away from your screen. Some people tend to sit reaaaaly far away from the screen, and those would tend to complain about fisheye effect even if they got average sized screen with correct desktop FoV.





This help measuring lens field of view can also help out to get some hint what FoV you should use



Just imagine your head as the camera and the wall as the screen of your monitor where DayZ is played.








x = DistanceFromWall
y = WallDistance/2
α = FOV° / 2

α = tan-1(y/x) 
x = y / tan(α)
y = tan(α) * x

FOV° = 2 * tan-1(y/x)


y5alWwi.gif    (Click the image to see it better)


That's how you calculate yourself the right horizontal FoV. Counting vertical FoV you just turn calculations vertical (not necessary needed to calculate)


Now here's some knowledge about resolutions and aspect ratios just in case if you're wondering later:



Then here's how you can use the knowledge of the horizontal field of view that you calculated. Though some very small values like my own 190cm from a 42" monitor gives 28 degrees you should just improvise and go for something that suits your or just move closer to your monitor.


Here's a post from ceeeb:


If you want to use a specific horizontal field of view (hFOV) in degrees
2. fovTop = 4/3 * tan(hFOV/2) / (aspect ratio)
3. fovLeft = fovTop * (aspect ratio)


Screen is 1920 x 1080, I want to have a default soldier horizontal field of view of 120°
1. aspect ratio = 1920/1080 == 16/9
2. fovTop = (4/3) * tan(120/2) / (16/9) == 1.299038106
3. fovLeft = 1.299038106 * (16/9) == 2.309401078


I trust ceeeb's calculations more than the next online calculator but you can try it also out. I at least get different results from both This could be based on radian calculation which ceeeb says is not really the right way to calculate:




Give it your resolution and field of view you like to have based on the knowledge you've get from this post.


Just remember the first picture but Fov doesn't necessary need to be 1:1 to your calculations that are based on it but it's likely good to get close if you're really getting motion sickness in the game.

The calculations gives you fovTop and fovLeft. You'll set them in your DayZ profile than can be found C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\Documents\DayZ\YOUR_USER_NAME.cfg for example mine is C:\Users\Jim\Documents\DayZ\Jim.cfg fovTop and fovLeft can be found very bottom of the file.






Now that your fovTop and fovLeft are set correctly you can start to use the in-game Field of View slider. It doesn't alter those values but it's its own value that you can see as fov= in the .cfg file. I've really no idea what's the default so you should adjust that as you like it. Even the default value might not be the best for the fovTop and FovLeft. Also the slider can help you to get better fine tuning if fovLeft and fovTop alone don't feel good.



I hope this gives some hints how you should set your field of view in DayZ but especially help to understand how the field of view works and why motion sickness can be a problem. Hopefully some people who have motion sickness can eliminate it with this and start to use 1st person mode more :)



//I found better calculator from ceeeb's post.

Edited by St. Jimmy
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Thanks for the FoV calculator thing man, they should put a fov value instead of a bar in DayZ imo.

I feel wierd with low fov

Edited by Avant-Garde

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what the fuck, I thought I was good at math


then I read this post.........

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