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How to...

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A few questions:

1. How/can you save your game? In the pause menu theres a save option but when I click it nothing happens.

2. How to run while crouching? The last few times Ive played and I crouched I walk at an agonizingly slow pace. Idk why Im not moving faster which I had done before.

3. Are the servers in six launcher the same as the ones in the steam game mod?

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You don't save, the server saves for you. When you're done playing just hit Escape then Abort, you'll carry on from that moment when you next reconnect.

Hold or double tap shift to increase/decrease your speed, works in all stances. Double tapping toggles. There's a major key binds list in the helpful threads sticky at the top of this section along with loads of other links to guides that'll help you with further questions. Everything other keybind not listed in there can be found in your control options in game.

The servers should be the same ones although I can't say for sure as I don't use the Six Launcher. I fired it up once, took one look at that confusing mess and promptly closed it. I use the Arma II launcher that can be found on the armaholics website to launch everything and then use the ingame multiplayer button to find a server.

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