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Starting a town...

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So, In hopes to populate my server more and have more people play, Ive come up with a fun, roleplay idea, that may just attract people.


So, this may sound lame, but it may sound fun, I guess Ill find out reading your posts.


Like the title sais, a town. My idea is that if I find enough players that would want to do this, we could have a running and functioning town. People could be merchants (Its an overpoch server so that may not work as good, but imagine someone selling food right outside your home!) , gaurds, scavengers, builders, council members, etc...


Ive already started building a big town, all from scratch. If people get into this, which would be great, Ill put some pep in my step and finish building it.


Well let me know here if anyone is interested in this, if so, Ill post server details, TS address, etc...


P.S. If it matters we have around 10+ players that play on the server


P.S.S I am the owner/admin, but I wont give everything to players. I am very fair in my administrating.


Hope people can get into this! If so, please post here!

Edited by crackpotpeach
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Sounds like fun! PM the details if you'd like!

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i am interested in joining up and building this town my friend is also wanting to join could you please message me the ip/pass  

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