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Bring back Markov at spawn

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For me, a melee weapon at least should be started with. I think the no makarov has hurt Dayz in terms of new players.

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zonfiar' date=' You can use axes now - if you find them of course, I found mine in a barn, if that helps you the next time you are in a fix for a weapon. [/quote']

Good to know. Still wish we started with something, if anything a branch or something like you said, and maybe it only got a couple of hits before it broke, but at least something to defend with. I will keep an eye out for axes now.

And of course I know others can spawn, survive and like it. I do still enjoy Day Z a ton even when I am creeping around finding nothing in locked buildings. Is has an intense feeling when creeping along you hear a zed snort in your right ear. I love this mod.

Just wish you started with something. No gun is certainly not going to make me not want to play it. I enjoy it too much. What about hatchets? Previously you could only use that to chop wood. Wonder if you can use that to attack as well.

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you wouldnt be making this suggestion if you'd ever defended yourself from someone in a coastal town, they'd respawned, and came straight back to where you were without hesitation, attempting furiously to makarov you, having nothing to lose themselves.

No makarov is good, cause if you overcome someone at the coast, their first priority becomes finding a weapon and ammunition, rather than making a bee line for your last known location and trying to sneak up on you with a pistol. Totally abstract.

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In my opinion at this point in the game you should start with absolutely nothing no painpills or even a bandage or backpack...a flashlight is mandatory because of night cycle being so brutal but that should be your only item at start......finding loot is far too easy and the desperate start is the best part of the game. I never played with a gun I started with no gun and learned the game the hard way so I don't even know what it was like to have it but having loot at start gives pro players a reason to farm the spawn points so that is a no no. Having a gun makes everyone at start trigger happy and is also stupid. Giving people time to make alliances for their own survival makes the game more intense reverting would be a major mistake.

On a side note the makarov is the worst gun in the game, I at times leave a makarov and 3 clips in favor of keeping my axe out till I can find a .45 ....I have put a full clip in a zombie and had him still come at me that gun is garbage...not that the melee in the game is any better at the moment but a makarov is a joke.

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It is so easy to get a gun,crowbar, crossbow. If you don't have one within 15 min of starting a new character then your doing something wrong.

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This game lacks an original narrative. What is the story behind arriving here in the first place? Is the infection/zombies recent? Has it been 28 weeks? Have I been in a hospital bed for days and days?

In any case, the only reason to bring back the Makarov or some random weapon (which would probably be better) is to fend of the stupid 'shoot on sight' crowd.

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