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US clothing, Vests and Backpacks at crashsites

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I would probably expect that to be a serious endgame thing, besides I don't think that the devs would even try and match the amount of MOLLE stuff that can be fitted onto MOLLE things.

For instance

OVERKILL at it's finest

EDIT: I am so sorry

Edited by 5mirkeh
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Yes lets also lets add XXXXL size clothes and fast food rations. 

American guns, clothes, why not just rename the place to ChernaUSA

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  On 10/21/2014 at 9:14 PM, General Zod said:

Yes lets also lets add XXXXL size clothes and fast food rations. 

American guns, clothes, why not just rename the place to ChernaUSA

im saying at crashsites... notice the m4s that are in the game?

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you just made my day sir

  On 10/21/2014 at 8:59 PM, 5mirkeh said:

I would probably expect that to be a serious endgame thing, besides I don't think that the devs would even try and match the amount of MOLLE stuff that can be fitted onto MOLLE things.

For instance

OVERKILL at it's finest

EDIT: I am so sorry

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  On 10/21/2014 at 9:20 PM, Mizzle420420 said:

im saying at crashsites... notice the m4s that are in the game?

He was just referring to american stereotypes.

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  On 10/21/2014 at 9:23 PM, 5mirkeh said:

He was just referring to american stereotypes.

yeah i get that.

The first guns in the game where all american accept for the mosin, they just put in the MP5 (German), they are working on the AUG (Austrian), and M1 Garand (US). Why would anyone think that the devs only want russian made items in the game?

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All the equipment at a chopper crash would be strapped to a soldier, not laying loose inside so it would get scattered around when the chopper crashed.

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  On 10/21/2014 at 9:33 PM, Mizzle420420 said:

yeah i get that.

The first guns in the game where all american accept for the mosin, they just put in the MP5 (German), they are working on the AUG (Austrian), and M1 Garand (US). Why would anyone think that the devs only want russian made items in the game?

Point there is more non russian guns than russian. 

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  On 10/21/2014 at 9:14 PM, General Zod said:

Yes lets also lets add XXXXL size clothes and fast food rations.

American guns, clothes, why not just rename the place to ChernaUSA

That's stupid, these types of clothing or gear can be found anywhere. Sure probably not as easy to come by as an ushanka but still obtainable.

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I wouldn't mind this.

Having all the western clothing and weapons being only found on helicopter wrecks would increase their rarity.

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  On 10/21/2014 at 9:57 PM, General Zod said:

Point there is more non russian guns than russian. 

Oh, I see where you are coming from now 9_6

Yeah there needs to be more russian/warsaw pact firearms in the game

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We have enough US shit in DayZ, we don't need more. If you want US stuff so bad, then play ARMA or something like that. But if a UN mission is sent in a post-soviet country, it might as well use French or German equipment.

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  On 10/22/2014 at 10:22 AM, Karakoz said:


White flag anyone ? 

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  On 10/22/2014 at 10:22 AM, Karakoz said:

We have enough US shit in DayZ, we don't need more. If you want US stuff so bad, then play ARMA or something like that. But if a UN mission is sent in a post-soviet country, it might as well use French or German equipment.


I love when people say "Go play ArmA", acting like that's a valid response to people suggesting anything not Russian.

We have enough US shit in DayZ, we don't need more. If you want US stuff so bad, then play ARMA or something like that. But if a UN mission is sent in a post-soviet country, it might as well use French or German equipment.


The only gear that's used by notable quantities in the US military is the M4A1, M67 Grenade, M84 Flashbang, and the generic ballistic helmet, and it's not like those are over the top items that don't exist anywhere else in the world.

UN missions would use whatever the gear of the country the peacekeepers were from was, and oftentimes that means the US (Chernarus lore does have a US-backed invasion), so I don't think it's unreasonable to suggest standard US gear that spawns at helicopter crashsites (making it highly rare).


And it's not like this stuff is spawning everywhere - the majority of items will still be Eastern European and items that otherwise fit the setting, but that doesn't mean to dis-include everything that wouldn't be common.

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I'm sorry but the French army don't use M4A1 or US helmets and camo pattern, so no. Most European countries have their own military industry. But it's true that their movie industry is weaker and that you will probably see less FAMAS or FN-FAL on TV.


Also most UN peacekeepers are not American, they are from many countries, and France takes part in a lot of those missions. You also have many African and Asian peacekeepers using mostly AK. It's quite unelikey that the mighty Russia would allow an American "peace" mission close to its borders. So of course there could be a bit of American stuff, and we can accept the M4A1, but I believe that we have quite enough already and that we need MORE eastern and European stuff (and why not Asian too?). We can't have every kind of weapons in game.

Plus HZN1 will have plenty of US stuff.




The contribution from the USA is actually VERY LOW, especially from the last superpower on Earth:



Even Ukraine contributes more.


USA: 113

France: 939

Germany: 204

Austria: 184

Italy: 1221

Edited by Karakoz

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  On 10/22/2014 at 10:37 AM, Karakoz said:

I'm sorry but the French army don't use M4A1 or US helmets and camo pattern, so no. Most European countries have their own military industry. But it's true that their movie industry is weaker and that you will probably see less FAMAS or FN-FAL on TV.


Also most UN peacekeepers are not American, they are from many countries, and France takes part in a lot of those missions. You also have many African and Asian peacekeepers using mostly AK. It's quite unelikey that the mighty Russia would allow an American "peace" mission close to its borders. So of course there could be a bit of American stuff, and we can accept the M4A1, but I believe that we have quite enough already and that we need MORE eastern and European stuff (and why not Asian too?). We can't have every king of weapons in game.

Plus HZN1 will have plenty of US stuff.




The contribution from the USA is actually VERY LOW, especially from the last superpower on Earth:




The French Army Special Forces Brigade uses the M4 Carbine. (They also have the M16A2, Colt Model 727, and HK-416, which are very similar) Granted, it's not the M4A1, but most US military units also use the M4, the M4A1 is relegated to specialized units across the board.


We can't have every gun ever made in the game, but this wasn't even suggesting adding guns - just standard combat uniforms, vests, and MOLLE gear, many of which are popular far beyond the US (even Ukrainian rebels have been seen using US surplus). I'm not saying we need to have full-on US special operations gear, but it'd be nice if they at least completed the context of US forces being present, because it's quite clear they were (even if not during the outbreak, there are still HMMWVs all over, and US helicopter crashsites.)

US intervention in Chernarus did occur during ArmA 2, and it's been confirmed by the devs that said intervention did occur in the DayZ timeline.


We're getting an AK-74, AKS-74U, SVD, MP-133 (in TWO variants, one of which is already in experimental), and other European firearms (like the AUG), I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for US guns. Asian weapons would be cool, especially some of the Chinese copies of Cold War weapons. I'm actually really fond of those Thompson copies, that, despite being of lower quality, were surprisingly popular in the east during their time period.

Edited by Chaingunfighter

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A French special forces brigade is a very, very tiny part of the whole French army. The overwhelming majority uses the FAMAS, which will be replaced soon due to the lack of firepower, but it won't be replaced by US guns. And as you can see, they use French camo and French spectra helmet.

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  On 10/22/2014 at 10:37 AM, Karakoz said:


The established lore includes Operation Harvest Red, an Event where US Marines enter Chernarus. US UN involvement is irreverent. Also the French are not replacing their FAMAS rifle due to "lack of power" (All NATO 5.56 rifles run the same ammo, M855 or M193 so this "power" bullshit comes from video game statistics)  but rather the fact that the French have a hard time getting replacement units and parts due to little domestic small arms manufacture capablities. That is, unless something changed recently and France is adopting a 7.62 battle rifle rather an a 5.56 rifle.

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Getting back on track, I would prefer MARPAT and/or Multicam before BDU pattern. There is a confirmed data mined MOLLE plate carrier vest so that may be in the works. Seeing how the M4A1 and M203 are already coded in the game I would like to see another US weapon system spawn at crashsites such as the M14 EBR, M249, and M240b. The skins for the aforementioned firearms are available from ArmA 2 and 3. Also to address the whiners about how these guns aren't Russian, they need to remember the game isn't set in Russia or even based in Russia. It is based on Czech Republic, a place where Western and Warsaw pact firearms are commonplace.

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  On 10/22/2014 at 1:26 PM, Dale Gribble said:

The established lore includes Operation Harvest Red, an Event where US Marines enter Chernarus. US UN involvement is irreverent. Also the French are not replacing their FAMAS rifle due to "lack of power" (All NATO 5.56 rifles run the same ammo, M855 or M193 so this "power" bullshit comes from video game statistics)  but rather the fact that the French have a hard time getting replacement units and parts due to little domestic small arms manufacture capablities. That is, unless something changed recently and France is adopting a 7.62 battle rifle rather an a 5.56 rifle.

Also to be noted is that chernarus borders takistan in lore, where british and american army forces were located. Makes sense that some would be operating in chernarus in case of another conflict.

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We are getting the AK74M, a Russian gun. Lore-wise this is less likely than an M4. So quit with the Russian guns whining, it has already been stated by devs that they put whatever they feel like in game. 

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  On 10/22/2014 at 2:29 PM, lootable said:

We are getting the AK74M, a Russian gun. Lore-wise this is less likely than an M4. So quit with the Russian guns whining, it has already been stated by devs that they put whatever they feel like in game. 

How is that less likely ?

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