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Persistant Trees

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If a tree is chopped down on a server, it stays chopped down through restarts for a day or 2. Don't give me the realism argument....I aint waiting however many years for a tree to grow back ;)


Im thinking that when basebuilding is implemented (if we need to gather wood) this could be a tell that someone is fortrying nearby....or could be used to create places to hide a heli :)

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Good idea, maybe something like a week?  Yeah to either clear a heli pad or collect resources for a base, that might encourage people to team up as well, send a team out to go chop wood and load it into a truck so the base won't get exposed.  Or the opposing end, chopping down trees near a well known, well established base to deny cover to attackers/scouts

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If we get urals and theyre anything like the mod, expect to see treesless servers.

But some of my most favorite moments were in epoch, clearing a runway for an incoming biplane, or parachuting out to create an LZ for the chopper so we could set up a fire.

I hope this happens. Hey! For those who want takistan, download color effects and cut down the trees!

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