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The daily DayZ journey of a lonewolf.

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Here is my story




First I met Ujie. He was fighting zombies in a barn, so I came to the rescue. Unfortunately, he didn't know you had to hit the head, so he was knocked down.

I managed to kill the zombie, but before I could bandage him with my own t-shirt, he had already passed away...



I was actually really bummed about this, Ujie had a very nice accent.


But as much as I wanted to cry, I couldn't hang around for too long. I needed to get myself some gear so I would no longer cool off.

After gearing up, I decided to go hunting since the running got me hungry and especially thirsty. After killing two boars and a deer, I decided to keep the deer meat.





Now that I had food and warm clothing, I had to get weapons. Not just any weapon, no, the one and only AKM.

On my long journey, I had found some more gear, and decided to become a completely black ninja.

During my fights, I noticed people were very frightened. 




Unfortunately, a bowlhead would not make you look very scary, not very appealing to women, so I decided to get something more 'deterring'.







As you can see, all warm and nicely geared. 

After a while, I got bored and my self esteem raised minute by minute. My mind was telling me to go to Electrozavodsk and kill everyone, whilst on the other hand, my exhausted buttocks were telling me to let it be for the day and go for a run.


I figured my buttocks couldn't speak so I went to Electrozavodsk, killed around 29 top-geared criminals to people who were running back to get their gear back and had a good time.




I faced death many times. For example would be when I had to kill this far-away Mosin-sniper guy on top of a tower, or, in quite some contrast, when a newbie desperately attempted to pummel me to death with a wrench.


Either way, after many skillfull and lucky kills, I had to face my own downfall.
Two guys ganged up on me and proceeded to rape the crap out of me.



Unfortunately, I had to start all over again.



Enjoy this ninja bowlhead-selfie




And ofcourse, a potato for the long post.



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