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What to do with exploited gear

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I found a campsite on my server today that had a large number of vehicles, tents and constructions. I saw rare guns, and guns I'd never seen before, so I put what I could into my vehicle and escaped as fast as I could. When I got to a safe area, I checked and discovered that some of the weapons I took were not listed on the wiki, and I believe they were created through an exploit or hack.

My question is, what are players supposed to do with items that are legitimately found, but should not be in the game? I assume destroy them or drop them somewhere they will despawn right?

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My advice would be to screenshot this and try to inform one of the members of dev teams to jump on this.

My advice to them would be make a registry code with every item spawned and create limits within those codes so that other items cant be duped or forced into the game.

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Well, dont use them to kill players. But I'd test them out on zombies for the lulz. But gratz on the find.

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Morally, you already know they're hacked so you're being a very naughty boy.

In reality, you can use them without reprieve.

Have fun :)

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I found a campsite on my server today that had a large number of vehicles' date=' tents and constructions. I saw rare guns, and guns I'd never seen before, so I put what I could into my vehicle and escaped as fast as I could. When I got to a safe area, I checked and discovered that some of the weapons I took were not listed on the wiki, and I believe they were created through an exploit or hack.

My question is, what are players supposed to do with items that are legitimately found, but should not be in the game? I assume destroy them or drop them somewhere they will despawn right?


You have a good time, and PLAY WITH IT.

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Thanks for the advice guys, I know its wrong to keep them, but I am reluctant to just destroy them as one is very close to a legitimate weapon I've been looking for since I started playing, it just has one extra attachment.

I am reporting them to a Dev with a screenshot and I will keep them somewhere I know they wont be used until I hear back. I don't want to list the weapons as it might tip off the exploiter and there may still be a chance to track down his GUID.

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but I am reluctant to just destroy them as one is very close to a legitimate weapon I've been looking for since I started playing, it just has one extra attachment.

Haha, the thermal AS50 right? Beautiful weapon :D

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I'd say it's reasonable to take a legit weapon, but I think I'd rather destroy their whole camp, than gaining an advantage from using their weapons. Using illegit weapons on the other hand, I don't see a difference between spawning them and picking up someone else's hacked weapon. Especially when you should know better.

Search for C4 satchel charges in their tents, park the vehicles close and blow that shit up.

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"Search for C4 satchel charges in their tents, park the vehicles close and blow that shit up. "

BUT first wait for them to come back to the camp wondering what's up and trying to move the vehicles. That's when you strike :)

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