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favourite gun for pvp?

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So when it comes to PVP nothing beats shooting some one with a gun!


But how do you like pvp? 

Do you snipe with a mosin?


Do you spray and pray with a mp5?


Do you take aim for the head with a handgun?


I know pvp can be laggy but in a ideal situation what gun would you use?


I like using the m4 because its not bad at long range but can also fight zombies and spray into someones chest if they get in your face,they are rare but like I said ideal situations.

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Depends on the range. I don't like to snipe anymore as it takes away the player interaction. 

For medium ranges i prefer the SKS or any of the Ak variants, and a Magnum for close encounters (that gun is just too badass not to use)

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Mk48 is my fav but any lmg for pvp or rage at zeds is good fun. I used to love m14 aim but find mk48 more versatile now.   

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M14, M4A3 or M24 for me.



BTW your in the wrong section

Edited by thedogfoodyayho

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