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Crashing game

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I'm not able to find an updated topic where is stated a way to replace files or edit a line to make the game stop crashing to desktop, or at least reducing the numer of times.

I don't mean reduce the lagg only by going on Steam Library, DAYZ and right click for Property and chaging the execution of the game with a line.



Since 0.49 the numbers of crash increased to me ( this afternoon i had 2 crashed in 10 mins on Elektro as quite empty server), and on youtube I've found videos that shows what files to modify or else. But i'm not really confident on it, because i'm scared for being banned.


Anyone found and tryed an useful guide? It is possible to sticky it on the top, lock it and keep it updated?



Hope i didn't made an already made post.



Cheers bandi...coof coof, i mean adventurers of Cernarus! :D

Edited by GunnyITA

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What measures have you taken in an effort to resolve your problem ?

Post your system specifications including OS.


Keep in mind that the Steam Validation tool will only check that you have the required files, it does not detect corrupt data in the file.

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well to be honest i've only found lines to add on steam before execute the game (set number of cores, allocated memory etc etc). About file modification i found only dated stuff that i don't know if will properly work, as i was scared about  validation as you mentioned.


By the way i'm running:


AMD FX 8350 4.0 ghz (octacore)

8 gb ram

ATI 7870 2 gb

Win 7 ultimate installed on SSD

Dayz Installed on regular HD

Edited by GunnyITA

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