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Barbed wire, traps, camps, etc = SERVER RESET

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I hate to be "that guy" again, I recently posted an incident of a server admin punishing play-styles he didn't agree with. (Check it out here if you wish http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=22367 )

Well another day, another server and today's topic is about a server admin willing to reset the entire server should anyone use barbed wire or tank traps in a way which he does not like, furthermore should any camps be discovered in the wilderness (or any vehicles for that matter) well then that also equals a server reset.


BE3 Nowhere-kids Server


Their MOTD reads " WARNING: Locking buildings with barbed wires/tank trap kits, making camps and stacking vehicules in the wilderness will lead to a map reset."



I get it OK, it sucks if you cant get over barbed wire etc because you haven't found a tool box or if you are having a hard time finding that motorbike you always wanted. But all the actions this guy feels warrants a server reset are perfectly within the bounds of acceptability in terms of gameplay. Is it frustrating/annoying? Yes. Is it cheating/expoliting? No. As such, you shouldn't be punishing the entire server with a reset for this kind of behavior, its simply unacceptable.

Am I the only one getting sick of entitled admins feeling they can change the rules to suit either themselves or their clans? Hosting a server does not grant you the power or permission to tell others how to play the game or restrict how they are use in-game items, that's the bottom line.

To the inevitable replies of "play another server" etc. That's not the point, not at all. Its about setting a precedent, if we tolerate these kinds of admins and fail to address their "I can do what" behavior then its going to send a clear message to the rest of the server hosts, to essentially "have at it" which is why we are sometimes seeing admins pop up with an attitude something like this:

"We can do as we please and treat players how we want and its fine because we paid for it, so we're entitled."

There needs to be some principles upheld within the community or we're going to end up with deep fragmentation amongst the player-base and chaos across the servers, each server having a wildly different take on how YOU should be playing THEIR game.

I'd be willing to bet that most of these new server hosts haven't bothered to even read the guild-lines (http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1429 ) and these kind of incidents are either the result of ignorance or lack of proper inquiry, worse still, they have read the information and simply decided to ignore it.

Bah I'm going to look at pictures of puppies to take my mind off the whole debacle.


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Server administrators have no power to reset the map, unless they have more than 1 mission ID, in which case they should also have more than 1 server. I'd call their bluff and go nuts with barded wire and other stuff.

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Server Administrators tend to be linked to Server Owners, who can reset servers whenever they feel like.

Good find, OP. This is something that needs to be brought into the public eye.

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Honestly ive seen many admins do worse. Atleast he's not banning players for it. I agree with you although i also agree with the admin if players insist on blocking every building in the game from the majority of people i find that they are just being plain assholes. The resetting seems a bit harsh though he could just say to stop putting up barb wire and then overtime players will gradually take them down with toolboxes.

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Well the wilderness is outside the normal playzone and shouldn't be abused as a place for easy security.

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Server administrators have no power to reset the map' date=' unless they have more than 1 mission ID, in which case they should also have more than 1 server. I'd call their bluff and go nuts with barded wire and other stuff.


Well I hope that would be the case, even so though they're actively trying to discourage players from doing things they (the admin/s) do not like by threatening (even if it is a false threat) players in such a way as to prevent them from using in-game items in a way which is perfectly acceptable. Its very immature and unprofessional on the part of the admin frankly.

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Well the wilderness is outside the normal playzone and shouldn't be abused as a place for easy security.

Dont talk if you never went outside Cherno or Elektro ,

Wilderniss = the forest doessnt mean out of map ,

Whenever your not near a town its called Wilderness..

Also a map reset will ruin people's hard work and stuff like this should deserve a fucking IP Ban...

Ruining peoples fun because server owner has no friends so no camp so loot's whole cherno where barbed wire owns every building...

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who cares' date=' the people using the barbed wire are just ruining the game for everyone


I hardly think the use of barbed wire is "ruining the game for everyone". Forgive me for saying but that's quite a ridiculous statement. Its a minor annoyance at best, in 9 out of 10 cases it can be vaulted over and can always be removed with a toolbox, don't have a toolbox? Well then move on to the next building or the next town.

The only reason I can assume people getting pissed off with it blocking off a room is if they are farming gear/items in that area.

I've encountered barbed wire plenty of times, if I cant get over it well then I simply move on, its not a big deal, there are plenty of loot-able buildings and areas in the game, if people bothered to explore outside of major cities once in a while they might have less of a problem with the barbed wire.

P.S If barbed wire ruined Day Z for you then you probably wasn't enjoying the game much in the first place.

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FYI - barbed wire to block off a building is used as a cheat. No, it's not an exploit if you use a tool kit to open it when you want access, but the VAST majority of people abusing this are simply server hopping and blocking off individual servers' buildings so the loot will be preserved until their next go around.

I completely disagree that a server owner / operator should not have the ability to reset their map when they see fit. You own your character, and what you carry should be preserved cross server, but vehicles, tents, fences, etc. are part of the SERVER not your character.

If a server is decided to have different rules than other servers what is wrong with that? Disallowing wire fences, vehicles and tent stacking are no different than turning 3rd person on or off, allowing chat, or that setting that makes zombies visible through walls with a white orb thing. They drastically alter the way the game can be played on that server - no different.

I'm all for PVP off servers too. Obviously if they exist they should be labelled as such, and maybe have separate character loot (so people dont just use them to gear up). But I see no reason they should not be allowed to exist...

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FYI - barbed wire to block off a building is used as a cheat. No' date=' it's not an exploit if you use a tool kit to open it when you want access, but the VAST majority of people abusing this are simply server hopping and blocking off individual servers' buildings so the loot will be preserved until their next go around.


No, barbed wire used to block a building is not a cheat, whoever laid the barbed wire used it as intended, much like sandbags (tank traps to a degree as well) are meant to hinder/obstruct/deter enemy players, protect bases and even disable/destroy vehicles.

If a player used this to seal a building then that's perfectly fine (ofc its annoying/difficult to deal with but what else were you expecting from a hostile player? Candy?). The exploit or "cheat" as you put it, your referring to in this case is server hopping and it is unrelated to barbed wire. If barbed wire was removed from the game do you think players would stop server hopping? No, they would carry on as before.

Server hopping is a separate issue and should be dealt with as such, can barbed wire can facilitate easier server hopping? Yes. Would removing the wire prevent or deter it? Absolutely not. There is more than one use for these kind of tools, and people better get used to dealing with them, they're probably going to be in the game for good, the next patch is actually adding to this arsenal of tools with bear traps, should the host of this server be able to reset the server if he doesn't like players setting up bear traps on his server too?

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Dear Gandhi,

I'm actually the one who set that MOTD and I don't feel wrong about it. Why? It's only words. We never did anything like that and we'll never do (actually, we cannot even do it.). If people are coming with their clans on our server, they'll think twice before leaving the gaming area with their vehicles. People trolling cities with wires and traps, just the same way...

you can compare that MOTD to a beware dog sign when you just have a kittie.

I have to thank you Gandhi, you prove us that our MOTD is just working fine. Fear us, we are so evil.

@Jemoeder You are right, we will change that part, we were talking about that 'sahara' thing? how do you call it?

ps: As you can see, english isn't my mother tongue .. be gentle with me.



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Dear Gandhi' date='

I'm actually the one who set that MOTD and I don't feel wrong about it. Why? It's only words. We never did anything like that we'll never do (actually, we cannot even do it.). If people are coming with their clans on our server, they'll think twice before leaving the gaming area with their vehicles. People trolling cities with wires and traps, just the same way...

you can compare that MOTD to a beware dog sign when you just have a kittie.

I have to thank you Gandhi, you prove us that our MOTD is just working fine. Fear us, we are so evil.

@Jemoeder You are right, we will change that part, we were talking about that 'sahara' thing? how do you call it?

ps: As you can see, english isn't my mother tongue .. be gentle with me.




So your actively discouraging clans from coming to your server because you disagree with how some clans play the game? Your supposed to be an admin not an overlord, what gives you the right to attempt to influence how people play the game? What rules are they breaking exactly? You put a message up there for the sole purpose of keeping away the kind of players you do not agree with, frankly, that's not your call. So long as their ping is acceptable and they are not being abusive/racist or hacking then all Day Z players should be welcome on your server.

You're not entitled to tell people how to play the game just because you host the server. Did you bother reading the guild-lines provided to you by the development team before you rented your server? It would seem not.

Also if you have no intention of ever resetting the server for the listed reasons then your blatantly lying in your MOTD, not exactly a great representation of either yourself or your server. You should never lie or deceive the people who play on your server. That is extremely unprofessional imo.

P.S Your hosting a server for Day Z yet you waited until this thread to create an account, way to contribute to the community! I'll get off my soap box after this post, but seriously. Whoever is in charge of granting Hive access to servers, can we at least have it a minimal requirement that the server host is at least registered on the official Day Z forums?

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Dear Gandhi,

Don't twist my words, I never said that clans were not welcome on our server. We have clans and even a gaming community on our server but it's not the topic isnt it? (and to be fair, as admins, we don't even have a clan, camps etc...)

As I said, our MOTD is just words and we dont have the power of making law on our server. If people want to block every single building of chernarus, if they want to drop every single vehicle in unreachable places they can do it.

On the other side, we'll just have more people complainin' about wires, unreachable camps etc.. I just tried to balance that kind of situation to keep our server playable FOR EVERYONE.

You are taking it way to seriously.

I will change our MOTD message if the dayz staff want us to.



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Dear Gandhi' date='

Don't twist my words, I never said that clans were not welcome on our server. We have clans and even a gaming community on our server but it's not the topic isnt it? (and to be fair, as admins, we don't even have a clan, camps etc...)

As I said, our MOTD is just words and we dont have the power of making law on our server. If people want to block every single building of chernarus, if they want to drop every single vehicle in unreachable places they can do it.

On the other side, we'll just have more people complainin' about wires, unreachable camps etc.. I just tried to balance that kind of situation to keep our server playable FOR EVERYONE.

You are taking it way to seriously.

I will change our MOTD message if the dayz staff ask for it otherway I will not.




Well, whatever, I just think you're wrong for trying to influence/deter a particular play-style through a threat, even if that threat is empty. I for one wont be playing on the server as I find that kind of behavior from an admin unacceptable.

Lets face it, you have already admitted to lying once and this is only your only second post, why should players trust you enough to invest their time on your server?

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Dear Gandhi,

I'm reading the dayzmod forum everyday,(The reason i'm answering you right now) but my english is way to light to take part on this forums.

I don't need more trust. I'm already active on dayz forums, gaming communities in my language...

Everyday I log on our server and see regular players, new ones and it just make my day.



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Im an server admin 2. And i dont care about camps and tank trap kits and barbed wire. Once per week, i will lock my server for about 20min and will drive over all the barbed wire in the cities. And thats the only places where i will remove barbed wire, cause its really embrassing for newbies if u cant enter a church or an firestation.

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If he is resetting the server to stop camps in the outside areas of the map, I'm fine with that.

And if he is resetting the server to stop server hopping barb wires, I'm also fine with that.

(but apparently he doesn't, they are just words).

But this is still alpha, and I'm sure rocket will do something about the "wilderness" (and server hoppers, somehow), but right now the admins are taking it to their hands.

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blocking of pathways in major cities with barbed wire has only trolling purposes and nothing else.

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Ya, barbed wires need a rework. Like many have already suggested, have it slow down the person A LOT instead of making it impossible to pass. Can't use it to troll/server hop, but still greatly helps camps and fortifications.

I'm 90% sure rocket will change the barbed wires when beta or full release comes.

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This thread is hilarious, please continue Ghandi !

Best Regards,


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Yea I get where you're coming from.. It gets old when you find something really awesome and the admin decides its his, or rather if you killed him in an engagement that its ok to restart the server.

Admin abuse is getting old.

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Quick pro tip when u find a building sealed off with barbed wire... u can walk up to the barbed wire---> press "V"----> ur char is on the other side of the barbed wire---> TA DA!

and just exhaust the topic, to get back out u:

walk up to the barbed wire---> press "V"----> ur char is on the other side of the barbed wire---> TA DA!

guess thats on the subject of those impassable anoying barbed wire barricades

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who cares' date=' the people using the barbed wire are just ruining the game for everyone


I hardly think the use of barbed wire is "ruining the game for everyone". Forgive me for saying but that's quite a ridiculous statement. Its a minor annoyance at best, in 9 out of 10 cases it can be vaulted over and can always be removed with a toolbox, don't have a toolbox? Well then move on to the next building or the next town.

The only reason I can assume people getting pissed off with it blocking off a room is if they are farming gear/items in that area.

I've encountered barbed wire plenty of times, if I cant get over it well then I simply move on, its not a big deal, there are plenty of loot-able buildings and areas in the game, if people bothered to explore outside of major cities once in a while they might have less of a problem with the barbed wire.

P.S If barbed wire ruined Day Z for you then you probably wasn't enjoying the game much in the first place.

You obviously haven't played much of Day Z if you think barbed wire isn't a huge problem. Please don't sit there and tell me that 9 out of 10 times it can be vaulted over as that shows me you clearly have not encountered it.

People make Normandy style beach defenses which are ridiculous and aren't possible to get past.

P.S. No-one said it ruined Day Z, it is just getting annoying.

Quick pro tip when u find a building sealed off with barbed wire... u can walk up to the barbed wire---> press "V"----> ur char is on the other side of the barbed wire---> TA DA!

and just exhaust the topic' date=' to get back out u:

walk up to the barbed wire---> press "V"----> ur char is on the other side of the barbed wire---> TA DA!

guess thats on the subject of those impassable anoying barbed wire barricades


Clearly you haven't encountered barbed wire if that is all you have to say on the matter.

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