StarLord (DayZ) 39 Posted October 5, 2014 Okay so I realize there are probably a million topics like this, but I've really got to vent in my own light. Last night i'm playing DayZ. Made it to the barracks north of Veresnik. Waiting on my pal to show up.I log out to go on a beer run while he works his way from the North East airfield. I return, log in, andAll of the sudden I'm freezing, I have a fracture, I'm hungry, and I'm sick. Come on... So realizing my screen was turned gray VERY quickly, I opt to log out, and wait on my pal to arrivewith antibiotics, charcoal tabs, and a splint. He finally arrives and I log back in and do what I can toheal myself. Sick wouldn't go away, but the splint worked. So he's out looting the barracks and he seessomeone, I run upstairs in the jail and the server loses connection. I log back in. My buddy still hasall of his gear, and is in the same place. I however am now a world away with zero gear. Just now, So I'm playing, hitting up houses and gearing up to make the trip back north to the barracks so we can playtogether this evening. I log out to help my fiance do a little grilling. Come back an hour later and jump backon. All is well. I log back out 30 minutes later to eat lunch. Log back in. I have respawned. WHAT THE F*&@ I understand that you shouldn't get attached to your gear, but come on. I should at least be able to enjoy itfor more than an hour or two without the scare of loosing everything. I enjoy the build up, but I also enjoymoving from town to town comfortably without having to stop at every house for supplies. This is superridiculous. For the very first time since I've played the SA i'm saying this, very disappointed in the game rightnow. I can understand the updates. I can understand the occasional crashes, and zombie glitches, hell I caneven forgive the hit system.... but if I can't enjoy what I'm working for even for a day... Then what's the point? Come on, man. FYI this is all on the same server. I don't server hop, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StarLord (DayZ) 39 Posted October 5, 2014 UPDATE** Log BACK IN TO THE SAME SERVER I WAS JUST RESPAWNED IN! I have all my ish back.... What is going on.... Come on, Man. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Calvin Candie 189 Posted October 5, 2014 If you loose gear after login, just go to a different server and you should have your gear back 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grindstone50k 208 Posted October 5, 2014 Server's connection to the hive might be unstable. Try a different server. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caboose187 (DayZ) 3036 Posted October 5, 2014 If you connect to a server instantly after a restart it has connection issues to the hive. You have to wait a couple of minutes when the server is back up to allow it get it's connection back. I know, i know, you want dibs on the respawned gear first. :rolleyes: 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cptn_Miller 83 Posted October 5, 2014 Try to follow some of the crap below: Set the filter option for battleye required = yes even tho its 1st/3rd be aware of a few things:- the name of the server / persistance - if its generic named server, DayZ CA 1-122 or similar you must rejoin a similar server or you prob get wiped - if its like a clan name, =BOM= clan server .... you must rejoin something similar or you prob get wiped- the time of the server - 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 and such are bad, server in process of restarting and might not have connection to battleye/hive = you prob get wiped - time should be something like 8:33, or a 9:21, or a 10:43, or a 12:11, click refresh a few times - check to see the timer increment in 1 min intervals = prob ok to join - try to join server with the good times as stated above AND that have at least 1 person in them... - if you join a server and see WAITING FOR HOST... and no red battleye text in lower left corner = HIT ESCAPE IMMEDIATLY AND GET THE F OUT, means the server is not connected to battleye/hive yet and has no player info = you prob get wiped.- after exiting a server be carefull to not rejoin another asap... give it a 60s+ delay always - if you log out in a combat situation your dude can stay on the server you just left for like 60s or more i think = bad, again a battleye/hive thing, so make sure to give it at least a couple mins before joining another server.- if you log out, and know you were safe / all ok, and you log in and you are a freshie... do not move... immediatly log out and attempt to log in on a different server like i stated above and you should still have that dude, you prob logged into a server that appeared to have the same paramaters as previous but didnt. you can have 2 guys going at same time, a 1st person only view dude, and a 1st/3rd person dude .... i got screwed out of many a fully jacked dudes by not following these rules.... since then lost zero.... 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tobias winfro 305 Posted October 5, 2014 Happened to me as well the other night. I was catching some fish and gathering water while my friend built a fire and was cooking plus getting warmed up. Server restarts so we wait a few and jump in, my buddy has all his gear I am a fresh spawn in electro. After disconnecting a few times and relogging I lost all my stuff. Not a big deal, gearing up is half the fun in a 3/4 pop server. Took me a few hours to regain all of my lost gear minus the hunting backpack.Not mad or venting, just another few hours of running back and collecting stuff. We did find 2 chopper crashes after we met back up so no biggy, actually ended up with better gear out of the deal Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 164 Posted October 6, 2014 I return, log in, and All of the sudden I'm freezing, I have a fracture, I'm hungry, and I'm sick. Come on... LOL I'd love to watch a stream of you play DayZ. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StarLord (DayZ) 39 Posted October 6, 2014 Well, Regrouped, cut my losses, and muscled my way back north to the barracks. Got tired of waiting on my pal to login so I made my way to the airfield.While looking through the hangers I was randomly hit, with nothing around. Broken leg,Leg in pain,I am dead. I had four cases inside of my backpack full of ammo, binoculars, a beautiful Mosin with attachments, brand new axe.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 164 Posted October 6, 2014 If you connect to a server instantly after a restart it has connection issues to the hive. You have to wait a couple of minutes when the server is back up to allow it get it's connection back. I know, i know, you want dibs on the respawned gear first. :rolleyes: Yup. Best way to ensure character survival is to make sure the server time on the server browser is after the top of the hour. (12:01, 13:01, 14:01) Server restarts reset the time clock to the top of an hour. You can be sure the server is running correctly when a minute has passed on the clock. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 164 Posted October 6, 2014 (edited) Well, Regrouped, cut my losses, and muscled my way back north to the barracks. Got tired of waiting on my pal to login so I made my way to the airfield.While looking through the hangers I was randomly hit, with nothing around. Broken leg,Leg in pain,I am dead. I had four cases inside of my backpack full of ammo, binoculars, a beautiful Mosin with attachments, brand new axe.... How sure you weren't sniped while in the big open hangar? It's pretty buggy and hard to hear gunshots at the moment. It's pretty risky to search an airfield and even more so by yourself. Edited October 6, 2014 by dromag67 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Judopunch 523 Posted October 6, 2014 Well, Regrouped, cut my losses, and muscled my way back north to the barracks. Got tired of waiting on my pal to login so I made my way to the airfield.While looking through the hangers I was randomly hit, with nothing around. Broken leg,Leg in pain,I am dead. I had four cases inside of my backpack full of ammo, binoculars, a beautiful Mosin with attachments, brand new axe....Couple things. You didn't mention if you checked for zombies. You implied you logged out on an airfield. You implied you logged out in a building. You rejoined the server immediately after it crashed or restarted. These are four no-no's in dayZ at this stage of development. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
saamohod 45 Posted October 6, 2014 Well, Regrouped, cut my losses, and muscled my way back north to the barracks. Got tired of waiting on my pal to login so I made my way to the airfield.While looking through the hangers I was randomly hit, with nothing around. Broken leg,Leg in pain,I am dead. I had four cases inside of my backpack full of ammo, binoculars, a beautiful Mosin with attachments, brand new axe....Let me guess, you were on the upper floor somewhere? Happened to me and my fellow multiple times. The mysterious falling bug. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Khanarac 252 Posted October 6, 2014 UPDATE** Log BACK IN TO THE SAME SERVER I WAS JUST RESPAWNED IN! I have all my ish back.... What is going on.... Come on, Man.Upon joining a server, if you do not get to see the battleeye message / playerlist within 6 seconds, hit escape to leave the server, wait 2min and try again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChainReactor 922 Posted October 6, 2014 Couple things. You didn't mention if you checked for zombies. You implied you logged out on an airfield. You implied you logged out in a building. You rejoined the server immediately after it crashed or restarted. These are four no-no's in dayZ at this stage of development.^ this. Zombies: They currently can aggro on you from miles away, what sometimes makes them seem to appear out of the blue. If you decide to log out, stand still there for some minutes to make sure you don't have zombie aggro. Logging out on an airfield: You have a logout timer. When you leave the server, your character will keep on standing where you logged out for 30 seconds, which makes him very vulnerable to other players. This is to reduce server hopping, and an airfield is the last place you wanna be exposed without control about your guy. Logging out in buildings: Buildings are sometimes bugged, especially when you log out above ground level. Sometimes on login, your character loads in faster than the building, wich makes the server think youre standing around in the air and makes you drop to the ground server-side. The result is the well known exploding pants or sometimes even death. Loggin in after Restart: Quite simple: The server needs some minutes to connect to the central database ( and thus your player information ). If you rejoin to fast the server can't find your player info and creates a new character for you. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StarLord (DayZ) 39 Posted October 6, 2014 How sure you weren't sniped while in the big open hangar? It's pretty buggy and hard to hear gunshots at the moment. It's pretty risky to search an airfield and even more so by yourself. Let me guess, you were on the upper floor somewhere? Happened to me and my fellow multiple times. The mysterious falling bug. Couple things. You didn't mention if you checked for zombies. You implied you logged out on an airfield. You implied you logged out in a building. You rejoined the server immediately after it crashed or restarted. These are four no-no's in dayZ at this stage of development. I was up the first flight of stairs in the tower. Sorry to mislead people into thinking it happened in the MIDDLE of the hangars.I took a snap shot immedietly after it happened. I'll have to post it on here when I get home from work today. Let me go into clearerdetail now that I'm not F*&@ing raging. I don't attribute it to zombies because; > There was no shriek> There was no attack "thud"> My leg was broken> I died instantly.> I scouted the area from the SE corner to the NE corner a few times through binoculars. Saw nothing. I do no attribute it to a person because; > I heard no sound.> I scouted the area from the SE corner to the NE corner a few times through binoculars. Saw nothing.> I move very carefully and constantly check my surroundings.> I was inside. I'm not a DayZ God but i'm also not stupid. I didn't log out standing in the middle of the airfield with my hands upin the air. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChainReactor 922 Posted October 6, 2014 I was up the first flight of stairs in the tower. You almost certainly dropped through the floor upon login. Don't log out on anything above ground level. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StarLord (DayZ) 39 Posted October 6, 2014 Yes, but I didn't log out above ground level. I was looting and then BAM. I've have some bad luck with this game the past few days. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChainReactor 922 Posted October 6, 2014 Yes, but I didn't log out above ground level. I was looting and then BAM. I've have some bad luck with this game the past few days. Yeah same reason. Might have been a lagspike. Server tought you're in mid air and bam, drops you. Known bug for a long time, and I agree its really really annoying. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
northofnowhere 39 Posted October 6, 2014 Broken leg on ATC upper levels or Firehouse upper levels is common occurance, just another part of DayZ. Always have a split, and a spare pair of pants. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Death By Crowbar 1213 Posted October 6, 2014 UPDATE** Log BACK IN TO THE SAME SERVER I WAS JUST RESPAWNED IN! I have all my ish back.... What is going on.... Come on, Man.This happens, and has happened for a long time, it's a well known issue. If you ever log in and you're naked, log back into the last server you were on. If you've been on the same server the whole time, log out and log back in, you just might get your gear back. Hang in there friend, it's early access alpha still, lots of weird shit is going to happen and you likely did nothing wrong. Above and beyond having to worry about other players, zombies, starvation, hypothermia, stairs of death - you also need to worry about bugs of incomplete features getting the best of you. This is unique as it normally wouldn't even be a factor in a full release game, but in early access alpha the game is likely more of a threat to you at times than zeds or KOS players. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StarLord (DayZ) 39 Posted October 6, 2014 Yeah same reason. Might have been a lagspike. Server tought you're in mid air and bam, drops you. Known bug for a long time, and I agree its really really annoying. Especially when I re-spawn in Svetlojarsk! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Judopunch 523 Posted October 6, 2014 I was up the first flight of stairs in the tower. Sorry to mislead people into thinking it happened in the MIDDLE of the hangars.I took a snap shot immedietly after it happened. I'll have to post it on here when I get home from work today. Let me go into clearerdetail now that I'm not F*&@ing raging. I don't attribute it to zombies because; > There was no shriek> There was no attack "thud"> My leg was broken> I died instantly.> I scouted the area from the SE corner to the NE corner a few times through binoculars. Saw nothing. I do no attribute it to a person because; > I heard no sound.> I scouted the area from the SE corner to the NE corner a few times through binoculars. Saw nothing.> I move very carefully and constantly check my surroundings.> I was inside. I'm not a DayZ God but i'm also not stupid. I didn't log out standing in the middle of the airfield with my hands upin the air.Ah yes, you fell through the floor. I would recomend against logging out in buildings and especially on the airfield. Though the building could have eaten you anyways just for walking on it. Has happened to three of my characters. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites