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The height if enjoyment

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This is my official THANKYOU to the DayZ team. I have had a few posts complaining about somethings however after today I wish to appreciate the game and the developers. To be fully geared is easy for me. I often have multiple collector cases and first aid kits full up survival gear from matches and fishing hooks to morphine and 4-6 bandages.. Today I found a tent that I searched a week for. The feeling if seeing it on that balcony was awesome. I want to point out to all the constant complainers, It's Alpha. Cut these guys some slack. If you don't like the game now go play something else and come back in a year. This game is only getting better.

Tim "waste land survivor" & "Cherno EMT"

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Or how about if you've nothing to contribute you don't post? 


You object to a thread because you feel you have nothing to contribute yet you post to say it should be moved to grave yard.



I'm closing the thread but leaving it here for others to read for the rest of the day.



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