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PvP a solution that everyone can be happy about!

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ok so its obvious to everybody that pvp is rampant and annoying to most. but what if there was a solution? a way to let the bandits kill each other.. and the survivors team up?

The Solution:

Enable a "switch" to allow player damage AND to allow you to deal player damage on the player

Example: i spawn into Dayz, and im feeling like i want a bigger challenge, or i wanna go killing. so i turn on PvP damage. if i just want to survive and not have to worry about people shooting me, leave it off, and let me survive with the zombies as the only threat

How it would work: turning on/off PvP would take time (like 10 seconds) and you CANNOT change it until you've leaved it alone for an hour. also people could still steal from your tents even with pvp off

Pro's: people will always be able to be hurt/killed by zombies.. but will have a choice if you want to fight players.

Will allow players to actually have a choice in the game and allow more risk v reward.

GREATLY reduced bandit to survivor ratio

allow people to group together and not have to worry about being back stabbed

allow new spawns to roam without having to worry about being killed

Cons: none that i can think of

Notes: would be fairly easy to code in and would be easy to adapt to


allow people to turn on the ability to deal and be delt player damage with a cool down timer

PLEASE give your 2 cents lol

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there are so many problems and holes with this.. inb4 massive amounts of flame.

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like what?

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Maybe PvP selection on login so you can't just hang out without PvP on with some bandits and then suddenly put PvP on and stab them in the back. It would just become a new way for bandits to get your stuff.

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but that adds a whole new twist to game :)

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Like how do you know who you can shoot? If you shoot at some random person and they don't have the pvp flag on have you wasted the bullet?

Like if a group wants to kill another group 1 of them can go non-pvp and then just run around until he finds the group, then follow them and relay their position with no threat to himself.

Like taking away what makes DayZ DayZ. Other players are part of the game. The tension of meeting other people. It sucks to get randomly killed, yes. But that's part of the game. (I agree some people are just dicks and kill everything in sight regardles if they're even armed. But this is a horrible solution.)

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Yeah, no.

If you want to play a coop zombie game play one of the many that are already out there.

This is a sandbox simulation.

No hand holding, no mercy, not made for pve players.

This game is shaped by the players and not by design rules.

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This is a sandbox

This game is shaped by the players and not by design rules.

So is minecraft, yet I see a lot less player killing ?.?

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Different servers would be the answer, one would have a medium amount of zombies but be PvP (friendly fire ON) and the other would have allot of zombies but be PvE (friendly fire OFF).

As simple as that.

Make it happen...DO IT!

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There should be a choice on login.

You can select PvP or PvE.

And if you select PvE the mod uninstalls itself from your computer and emails you a list of suggestions for other games to play.

Different servers would be the answer' date=' one would have a medium amount of zombies but be PvP (friendly fire ON) and the other would have allot of zombies but be PvE (friendly fire OFF).

As simple as that.



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I don't think this is viable.

IMO, i think there should be PVP and PVE servers.

That way, everyone can be happy playing their own way, without spoiling each others fun.

To be honest, i really liked the humanity system, but a lot of people disliked because of the skin change when you became a bandit. I also loved the idea someone gave on some random thread about increasing the respawn time according to your humanity level (the lower the humanity, the higher the respawn time if you die).

But you know, it's just my opinion, and i know this game is full of cyber bullies who love to brag about how the game should be a pain and unforgiving, it makes them look cool.

I hope balances can be made eventually to make the experience better.

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No hand holding' date=' no mercy, not made for pve players.


If it's not made for PvE, then why are there Zombies? Clearly the original intent WAS PvE with the possibility of dying by PvP.

It's flipped though because of all of the "bored" mouth breathers that have turned it into a virtual gang simulator.

I just don't undertand why all these PvP'ers just don't start playing vanilla ARMA where there are no Zombies and the intent (unless co-op) is to kill other players.

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What a person can do is turn it off, and when the person with PvP is on shoots you, you can easily turn it on without him knowing and then you can kill him and also people then can easily go looting like NWAF and stuff like that without dieing... It is pointless and it ruins the game in my opinion.

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PvE and PvP servers would be the easy way to do this.

An advanced way to do this would be to concentrated on the HUMANITY SYSTEM, alot, and figure out how to code in something that actually works.

If there was a clear distinction between a good karma person and a bad karma person, also on how you lose karma points (such as murdering someone in self defense should not lower your karma).

It will force the bandits to be cast out from the rest, which is required for balance, because the bandit will ALWAYS have the FIRST shot.

Then we wouldn't need PvP and PvE servers, a good karma system would fix all of this. But it will be difficult to code in a good karma system that actually works.

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So is minecraft' date=' yet I see a lot less player killing ?.?


Minecraft is a farther developed game, there is stuff to do it other than kill players. In DayZ, once you have got all your gear, you can either

A) Kill other players for lolz or

B) Risk helping other noobs which will probably get you killed

A) is funner, and you don't risk everything on something you can't control (I.E - a noob/other player you're helping shoots you in the back for all your gear)

And to OP

The real solution to PVP is to give players who are geared up for pvp something else to do. It's those players with shiny guns and nvgs who need the game to provide them things to do, otherwise they'll make their own decision, WHICH IS TO SHOOT PEOPLE

And giving players immunity from other players playing the same game? How does that begin to make sense to you? Immersion, gone. Realism, gone. Fairness, gone. Those are cons for your list.

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worst idea ever!

DayZ is fun because of the pvp zombies are to easy to kill but pvp makes this game so much more fun to play you don't know who you can trust and who you got to shoot on sight. what is next give players a switch to turn damage by zombies off? so the can get the best loot? what's the point of this game if there is no danger? no risks with each decision you made. this game would get very boring very quickly

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This is... flatly a terrible idea. DayZ is a realism simulator, and having a PvP on/off mode would absolutely wreck not only the challenge of survival but the atmosphere of the game.

Comparisons between DayZ and the Walking Dead are made often, and with good reason. Why? In both this game and the show, the focus is less on the horror of the undead but the threat posed by intra-survivor interaction. After noobs dying from basic ignorance, what's the #1 cause of death in the game? Players.

Being able to turn PvP on and off at a whim would be a gamebreaker. Why would anyone turn PvP on, unless they were a bandit? Hell, I'd just turn it off and waltz into Cherno, popping off smoke and flares. Zombies aren't the real threat in DayZ - they're obstacles that slow down and interfere with survivors, and most deaths to zombies are due to ignorance (let's shoot our way into Elektro!) or player-induced disability (a helicopter? OH GOD IT'S HOVERING ON ME).

So, in essence, turning PvP on and off completely removes the human element from the game, making PvP more of a controlled sport than an active danger during gameplay. It's sort of like how PvP in Minecraft works on many servers - everyone running around free and safe, but there are arena-staged fights that are just for inter-clan competition.

Players are the main threat of DayZ. Having the option to turn off PvP - on the server level or on an individual player level - completely counteracts the point of the game. The closest thing to this idea that would ever be okay to implement would be Singleplayer mode (which Rocket's already had trouble with), because that could be justified in-game as "Yah, you're alone."

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Another thread of people trying to create ideas providing a "solution" to something that isn't a problem.


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' pid='220733' dateline='1341084672']

Another thread of people trying to create ideas providing a "solution" to something that isn't a problem.


Let the adults discuss this matter kiddo.

People are pointing out their own opinions, this isn't just your game.

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Cons: none that i can think of

I can think of a con: this great solution goest 100% against the intentions and the main idea of this mod

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' pid='220733' dateline='1341084672']

Another thread of people trying to create ideas providing a "solution" to something that isn't a problem.


Let the adults discuss this matter kiddo.

People are pointing out their own opinions' date=' this isn't just your game.


Calling someone a kiddo on the forums makes you a grown up. Interesting. I pointed out mine, yet that isn't ok according to you. Hypocrite much?

Edit: Ah I get it, you're one of those that thinks PvE servers need to be in the game. All makes sense now.

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' pid='220790' dateline='1341085402']
' pid='220733' dateline='1341084672']

Another thread of people trying to create ideas providing a "solution" to something that isn't a problem.


Let the adults discuss this matter kiddo.

People are pointing out their own opinions' date=' this isn't just your game.


Calling someone a kiddo on the forums makes you a grown up. Interesting. I pointed out mine, yet that isn't ok according to you. Hypocrite much?

Edit: Ah I get it, you're one of those that thinks PvE servers need to be in the game. All makes sense now.

Sure, maybe one day i'll use a pitbull avatar too so i can look tough just like you.

Like i said, this isn't just your game, people have different opinions, what you consider OK, some people might consider a problem, who knows.

PvE servers won't affect your shoot-on-sight from the back or server hopping attitude, so don't worry.

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Now avatars make someone look tough on the internet? Are you mental? Really can't tell if you're serious or trolling, but usually when I have to ask that it is the latter.

You're right, it isn't my game. I never said it was. I just said people are trying to come up with a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. And then I said No, causing you to lose your mind because I, along with almost everyone else in the thread, do not agree with the idea.

Someone doesn't agree with something you do, so you call them a kiddo and then tell them they are just trying to act tough by typing words on the internet. Fail.

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