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Can you know who you killed?

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So I was playing in Dubky, pretty well geared except for the minor fact I had no bullets. Anyway, while in one of the supermarkets, a geared player ran up to me with an axe, chased me outside, and when I turned around, shot me. And while I was laying unconscious, he said, "Shouldn't have turned around Jimmy". How did he know who I was? Was he hacking or is there actually a way to know who you killed?

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You can check another players pulse of you get close and "use" him (F). Then his name shows up. Also works with other actions like bandaging.

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only if your quick. if the player respawns you will get "unknown entity has no pulse".


if your quick you get there name. u can do it alive or dead. 

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Or it was a hacker, I know they can see indicators with the players names.
But it's more likely he walked up to your body and checked your pulse as mentioned above.

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bandwidth ... still works too


can you elaborate on that please?

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can you elaborate on that please?

When you play your share information with every player within 1km of you. When someone enters you 'network bubble' your bandwith goes up. The menu that displays it is P. Its not super practical or reliable, but it is possible on low population servers to see it change.

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That bandwidth trick is no longer reliable. I was watching it while meeting up with a buddy. At one time, fast sheet the 100,000 desync thing, and only one, we're our bandwidth values close to each other.

But the 100k desyc thing works fine. This is when you move into another players "bubble" , which is a bit less than 900m. Even then, it only lasts for a short time. And it didn't occur when a player logs in within that radius.

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