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Alex Leonhart

The game minimizes with 2 monitors if cursor leaves main one

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I don´t know if this bug can be posted on bug report section so i post here, happens on a lot of games, the game main process doesn´t lock the cursor when you got 2 monitors, so if the mouse goes over the second one and you click, the game minimizes, very annoying, i know the game has a lot of issues to deal with, i just don´t wanna see this one unnoticed.

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This is not something that is limited to DayZ - it has been happening for quite a few games for me.


I noticed it's usually better when playing fullscreen rather than borderless windowed (you will have to doublecheck that - as borderless windowed looks exactly like fullscreen, if you're not aware.)


I have this happen on many other games, even recent ones such as Watch_Dogs. It's not helping having three screens and the game is running on the middlescreen, meaning it can go both sides. You get used to it, though it's annoying. Haven't been able to find a fix myself, though playing fullscreen helps and sometimes pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL while ingame, then "ESC" again, which takes you back directly into the game.

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I've had the same problem too and this is my workaround.

Play the game in window mode but drag it enough so it's almost fullscreen (like 1910 x 1075) then in steam open the dayz properties and add -nopause to the launch parameters just in case you click out the game video will still run so you don't miss anything important :)

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0.50 fixed this issue for me (yay!), now the major problem is the brutal amount of free hackers that ruin the experience, you can´t do absolutly nothing with these hacks.

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