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A few Observations, Bugs, and Requests

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Hey, first want state that I played old ARMA2 DayZ Mod as first expierence to DayZ


After waitin long while I finaly decided purchase the Standalone Alpha and its very glitched in significant ways and this is version .49 gettin updated into .50 very soon from what I read on featured updates/Youtube vids.


Here are all problems I have encountered only 2nd day into playing Standalone Alpha




- I Know DayZ is a very realistic hardcore game that makes players work hard find gear/weapons/supplys however its incredibly rare to find any firearm weapon in game now and if you are lucky enough find rifle theres 0 ammo for it completely useless - All military/police/firestations (THE ONLY PLACES WITH RIFLES) are looted every server find with more than 10 players. You should consider adding higher random % spawn chance of guns being in random houses/buildings all over map not just in concentrated areas.


- Item Damage rates insanely HIGH!, using tools or getting shot destroys all inventory in only few moments its broken feature, Fireaxe breaks after 3 tree chopping actions, Shoot enemy 2 times all gear broken when try loot them, this damaged gear feature is not working properly and ruins gameplay you need remove it completely or drasticly scale down % rate damage on ALL ITEMS/WEAPONS


- If have large enough backpack you should be able carry spare rifle in inventory


- Pistols and Rifles wont load with 'R', you have go into inventory manualy load weapons with ammo mid-combat this is shitty feature


- Always Freezing Cold all time even after have many clothes equiped, indoors, no rain

  Always Hungry ( Ate 4 cans food in row still starving only 15min into gameplay) ,  Starve & Freeze way too fast even with food and clothes not realistic


- Zombies killed in doorway get trapped in room, they act like barricade and cant step over them with 'V' so your trapped have log out of game please remove collision


- Zombies do not have any items on body after kill them (You should get can food or little ammo off killin zombies, some can have no loot but not 100% all time)


- Zombies spawn inside walls/ceilings you can hear them but they are trapped in wall and they can still hit your character with invisible attacks have run out of building or get killed


- Zombies spawn at large distance then lock onto character like homing beacon at any distance cant get away/hide you are forced to kill them

 (even spawning fresh on Coast with no gear)


- Zombies knock unconcious, wont attack body, then when finaly regain concious they instantly knock you out then game gets stuck on blackscreen and wont confirm you die it freezes on knockout screen



My only 2 immediate requests are PUT VEHICLES INTO GAME SOON AS POSSIBLE!  &  Enable Global Chat so players can communicate with admin and eachother


Every Server I have tried theres no Global Chat so cant communicate with admins or anybody really, have yell at strangers lucky enough come across on fuzzy soundin game-mic (Most players using Teamspeak or Steamchat for communication get around this so its not adding to the game's immersion having Global Chat disabled) this can make servers seem dead and inactive.


The scale of Map is massive to move around without some form of transportation (ARMA2 DayZ atleast had simple vehicles to use on main roads), I know the .50 update

will have 'Vehicle Parts' added however if your not adding in complete driveable car or truck or even a bicycle then these 'parts' are useless junk right?


This game has great potential but is still lacking a stable gameplay platform, my only advice is focusing more on basics of game function and fixing bugs than adding in extra Misc. items, crafting recipes, small village details because none of this matters when you cant find working gun with 3 bullets or stay alive 5min without dying of starvation





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I think that a lot of these things aren't actual bugs but features. It seems like you're quite used to the 'simpleness' of the Arma 2 DayZ mod. The standalone is advanced in many ways.


-Firearms and ammunition is meant to be rare, scarce and hard to obtain. People argue that it should be even harder than what it is, this can be debated in other topics I'm sure.


-Item damage is a feature to decrease KOS as it ruins the purpose of looting the shot player unless you get him in the head, also for personal reference, I've never had 'all' of my items ruined by bullets unless I got shot in the back with an AK/M4 and in that case I'm very lucky to actually be alive. And those items probably saved me.


-You can already put certain firearms in your inventory (MP5K, sawed off shotgun, Longhorn). Of course a Mosin Nagant would never fit in any backpack, perhaps making it possible to rotate items would make it possible to fit an M4 in a mountain backpack.


-Pistols and rifles will load with 'R' if you have a clip or a speed/snaploader on you. The manual reload is supposed to symbolize how tedious it is to manually load a Mosin Nagant with 5 bullets in real life, I think.


-I haven't had much testing with the hypo and hyperthermia  yet, but I maintained a reasonable body temperature when I had a pristine rain coat, hunter pants, gloves, ushanka and boots on me. I think item condition has a lot to do about the clothing's actual effect on heat. Food is not a problem, get green energized and green hydrated and you could probably venture from Kamenka to Berezino without starving or dehydrating.


-Zombies are still greatly being worked on. So everything mentioned about them is probably due to change.




Vehicles are on their way (You can easily find the roadmap for the game).


Global Communication will probably never see the light of day unless you play on a modded server that has that implemented somehow in the future.


So go out there, find that information! Do that research! And I promise you that you won't have any questions about the games integrity any longer!


NOTE: Don't get your hopes up on vehicles don't think that highways will have traffic jams. The attention to detail they'll put into vehicles. "A car will be a bitch to fix and maintain." <-- Words from Brian Hicks himself.

Edited by Survivor_Ted

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