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Zombie Milkman

I just wanted to share

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I ran into the barracks and they followed, so I shot them.  Then they came one by one because of the shot...  I shot them too.  So then I try to leave and NOPE, SORRY says DayZ.  There is a zombie carcass in your way.


So after announcing to e v e r y o n e around NWAF that I am there and have weapons I am stuck in the most likely search point.  Luckily I have lots of bullets.  Oh yeah, WRONG BULLETS!  Man those zed bodies take forever to decompose these days.  Yet if they died outside I could run right over them no problem. Doorways, not so much.




I lived another day, but what are the odds?

Edited by Zombie Milkman
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It happened to me with my new 0.49 spawn, I was stuck upstairs because a Z ran after me and I had the bright idea to kill it right in front of the downstairs, I tried to jump over it for 5 minutes then just tried to hit it with my axe repeatedly and the body disappeared after 3 or 4 hits.

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It happened to me with my new 0.49 spawn, I was stuck upstairs because a Z ran after me and I had the bright idea to kill it right in front of the downstairs, I tried to jump over it for 5 minutes then just tried to hit it with my axe repeatedly and the body disappeared after 3 or 4 hits.


Ooh, thanks for sharing.  That's a new one for me to try.

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