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New HUD icon

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I started playing this last weekend. I can't find this new icon anywhere in FAQs and tutorials and no one online seems to know.

What is this thing? Temperature? For fever from infections or something?


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yeah, antibiotics were recently introduced so I'm pretty sure that's how you fix it if it goes red. not sure what would make it go red though. maybe a bad blood transfusion or using too many various medical supplies? being in the rain too long? lol I don't know

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I'm excited for this new feature to be implemented. It would be interesting if the weather/time of day reduced your temperature and the only way to increase it would be to go indoors, or be near a fire. If your temperature gets too low you'll need to get antibiotics to cure your ailments.

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Rocket was talking about implementing temperature and being able to freeze to death etc.

Maybe in the next patch... *dreams*

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Campfires galore! Hopefully that means equip-able warm clothing....but I imagine its just retreating to indoors while theres rain

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It's your level of randy-ness. Spend too much time alone in the woods with a bunch of other guys and you're going to have to blow of some steam, if you know what I mean. When the bar gets red and flashing you're going to need to get atleast 100m away from your group and tap T and G repeatedly to give a one gun salute. Then the bar will return to normal. I read somewhere that the animation looks a lot like a Winchester reloading.

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It's your level of randy-ness. Spend too much time alone in the woods with a bunch of other guys and you're going to have to blow of some steam' date=' if you know what I mean. When the bar gets red and flashing you're going to need to get atleast 100m away from your group and tap T and G repeatedly to give a one gun salute. Then the bar will return to normal. I read somewhere that the animation looks a lot like a Winchester reloading.


Now that would make this a true simulation :P

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I love this game but it shouldnt get overly 'realistic'.

It would slow down the game a lot more and make it... well less fun :)

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So nobody knows what it relates to.

Looks like a vial for mixing potions ôô:idea:

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You're playing ArmA 2 and worried about slowing it down? I wasn't aware that was possible. ArmA 2 gameplay chugs along at about the pace of a legless turtle on roofies. Otherwise you're going too fast and you'll die.

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That thing looks like they going to introduce tempature.

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I've seen a live stream a few days back where the dev was playing along with them. I believe it's supposed to become your body temperature. When you get cold you will start to shiver (in the rain for example) and to get your body heat back you will need to take shelter or start a fire. At least that's what I could make out of it.

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Well maybe it is a stamina for running..

r.click is hold breath baybe it is your breath metter or something?

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Here, that should shed some light on things:

... I wanted the player to enter the world and say “Wow' date=' everything is out to get me!” and to feel that tension the whole way through. But I also wanted them to feel a tension from the environment, from the weather, from the land.

[b']So that’s why I’m starting to bring in the temperature indicator. It’s not fully enabled yet but by the weekend it will be, and if it’s wet, you’ll start to get colder. It won’t have a massive effect on your character, but you can get an infection which will cause you problems later on. So it’s again, just another subtle thing you have to be aware of. Not as imminent as, say, running into a zombie, but it’s just one of those ‘back-of-your-mind’ things you need to be aware of.

Full interview can be found here: http://games.on.net/article/15603/I_didnt_want_any_sense_of_balance_at_all._I_wanted_it_to_be_an_anti-game_Dean_Rocket_Hall_on_Day_Z_Part_1

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