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Maarten (DayZ)

Why did you shoot me.

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Too many losers in this mod that feel obliged to pvp when they have 'endgame' level gear. I've been to the airfield a few times but I don't go around killing players once I have good loot.

Know why?

Because this game is about SURVIVAL. After I have good weapons' date=' I'll go around checking the smaller towns I haven't previously visited and get food and water to last me so I can SURVIVE. If you get bored once you have the best loot either:

Don't go straight for good loot and stick it out and explore

Or just go back to call of duty or battlefield for your death match, killing people in DayZ doesn't give you a bigger penis however much you may try.


yes the game is about survival, which includes dodging murderers.

no reasonable person wants to remove pvp, just introduce incentives not to kos, like 99% of the community now does. right now there is zero reason to play as a survivor.

make it a choice worth making, dont remove the choice.

right now we're playing a 15km2 cod deathmatch and one cant help but wonder if that is what the devs want given the last few major changes. no global chat, no bandit skins..... what else are we to think? so much for the "anti-game", unless anti-game means "cod with big map"

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yes the game is about survival' date=' which includes dodging murderers.

no reasonable person wants to remove pvp, just introduce incentives not to kos, like 99% of the community now does. right now there is zero reason to play as a survivor.

make it a choice worth making, dont remove the choice.

right now we're playing a 15km2 cod deathmatch and one cant help but wonder if that is what the devs want given the last few major changes. no global chat, no bandit skins..... what else are we to think? so much for the "anti-game", unless anti-game means "cod with big map"


Yes, I agree VanillaDragon, the game should still have PVP in it, because it's what makes the game so brilliant. But it somehow needs to be toned down, so that people stop killing for the fun of it.

Like someone mentioned in another forum post, maybe making the game harder so people had to work together? But if that didn't work then it would just ruin it a little bit more.

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no reasonable person wants to remove pvp' date=' just introduce incentives not to kos, like 99% of the community now does. right now there is zero reason to play as a survivor.


I don't think anyone is against that -- what people don't want are punitive implementations. Why? Because the people pushing those changes in effect just want the game to punish their murderer for them (usually the same people who are like "RAGE DAMN PK'ERS WHY DO YOU PK IN THIS GAME GO PLAY COD"). If the game gives them -hp for murdering they can feel better about dying.

Survivors definitely need "things to do" in the sense that you can build a player city (maybe base building features that prevent log-in within the perimeter, etc) and know that the people you find there will be amiable given you follow their rules. Or perhaps radios that let survivors broadcast across the map on a given frequency, giving them that socialization without the danger of getting their face blown off (and also giving them some degree of privacy versus the sidechat that every bandit can see). I still think holstering weapons completely should be implemented so cities can be guarded more easily (enforce holstered weapons), and survivors in the wild can trust each other by keeping their weapons holstered -- if you see your new friend draw when there's nothing around to shoot, find cover.

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i think your wrong. this game would be far worse if the PVP was removed. if you have something i want its perfectly justifiable for me to kill you for it. thats how things would go. 90% of the memorable moments i have in this game involve getting shot at or shooting at someone. that feeling when i see a survivor, how fast my heart beats when i hear shots. thats what makes this game. people saying its about survival and not killing people. killing people is survival.if you see me first then i would recomend you shoot. because if i see you first you have a 50 50 chance that i will shoot you and take your crap. unless you dont have anything i need then i will approach tell you to drop your guns and help you out. im not a bandit and i wont shoot someone without a gun. but i sure as hell will kill you if you have a bigger pack and i have the starter back pack. if you die, go cry then start again. its no big deal anyway

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So you go inland get a high grade weapon' date=' and head back to the coast to go kill new players?


is there anything better to do in this mod?

get great gear, use it in populated areas.

its a fucking dream come true. problem?

It's even better to camp at the places where good gear spawn, killing people like you before they get the gear. Problem? :D

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Best way is to play with a big group so that if you die you can get your stuff back. Running solo is more exciting but getting KoSd by a camperbandit is annoying.

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I had someone come over direct chat text yesterday: "I suppose you're going to try and kill me?"

Hmm I thought, well this is odd. Someone who knows I'm here but I have no clue where they are! (I was in Elektro NE firestation ground floor at the time) I take a punt and run toward the single door in the far corner, turn left and behold - someone standing there with no weapon.

I scope my AK at their head to let them know that, actually, for once, I'm not going to shoot. Because this game has to end up being more than this same old shit every single time I play. And today, I'm feeling in-touch. Someone took the time to communicate - something I've sorely missed now that side chat has gone.

I scope-out and start to run past to show that I'm not interested.. you have 1 guess what happens next. I have just enough time to see the guy equipping a shotgun from his back. I get half way along the wall and hear a crack. I've lost a couple of k health and have a broken bone - they shot and only just scraped me.

I wait around the next corner, full auto on, ready and waiting. The guy runs around the corner at which point I open fire - hitting twice maybe. It was a piss poor shot but he'll be well on the way out after I catch up as blood was going everywhere.

I set chase but no sign of him. He's disconnected.

In answer to the OP's question - why did someone shoot you? Because they're making sure!

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So you go inland get a high grade weapon' date=' and head back to the coast to go kill new players?


is there anything better to do in this mod?

get great gear, use it in populated areas.

its a fucking dream come true. problem?

It's even better to camp at the places where good gear spawn, killing people like you before they get the gear. Problem? :D

From the sounds of this thread you must not be doing a good enough job.

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Too many losers in this mod that feel obliged to pvp when they have 'endgame' level gear. I've been to the airfield a few times but I don't go around killing players once I have good loot.

Know why?

Because this game is about SURVIVAL. After I have good weapons' date=' I'll go around checking the smaller towns I haven't previously visited and get food and water to last me so I can SURVIVE. If you get bored once you have the best loot either:

Don't go straight for good loot and stick it out and explore

Or just go back to call of duty or battlefield for your death match, killing people in DayZ doesn't give you a bigger penis however much you may try.


It is only the most thrilling hunt, murder really, in a game I have ever played.

When I kill someone I feel bad. When I ghost up to someone and ready to shoot them, I have just stopped, only to get myself killed. When I kill a target with better gear than myself I'm pumped. No other game has the thrills, the paranoia, and murder that this game offers.

This mod is getting big. And it deserves it. It is that good.

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Too many losers in this mod that feel obliged to pvp when they have 'endgame' level gear. I've been to the airfield a few times but I don't go around killing players once I have good loot.

Know why?

Because this game is about SURVIVAL. After I have good weapons' date=' I'll go around checking the smaller towns I haven't previously visited and get food and water to last me so I can SURVIVE. If you get bored once you have the best loot either:

Don't go straight for good loot and stick it out and explore

Or just go back to call of duty or battlefield for your death match, killing people in DayZ doesn't give you a bigger penis however much you may try.


It is only the most thrilling hunt, murder really, in a game I have ever played.

When I kill someone I feel bad. When I ghost up to someone and ready to shoot them, I have just stopped, only to get myself killed. When I kill a target with better gear than myself I'm pumped. No other game has the thrills, the paranoia, and murder that this game offers.

This mod is getting big. And it deserves it. It is that good.

Other games have the same murder as this just no loot gained.

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So far avoided confrontation with other players just because of this "shoot on sight" mentality. Seen some in the distance and just kept silent and watched them go away, better gear or not. So looting is hard for me as have to really see where I do it and when. Hackers and server hoppers do not make it easy either. So waiting for next patch to see if it addresses some of the issues that keep me out..and no it is not PvP :)

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I have only 'murdered' someone once - ie killed them from behind when they never drew on me first. I most certainly didnt 'enjoy' the experience. I can only guess how much it pissed off the other player.

In my defense, I heard gunfire from the supermarket so I knew someone was there. I kept hailing out but no response. So I used the back door, and saw him facing the main door with a gun drawn. Instinct kicked him when I saw him rotate towards me.

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Other games have the same murder as this just no loot gained.

list a couple sandbox FPS games. No? Okay, now try listing one with zombies.

Have a nice day.

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You guys who all are tired of people shooting on sight could... you know... team up? Instead of all agreeing you hate no one being forced to be friendly how bout you meet in game somewhere and play together.

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