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Item Tetris is it worth it ?

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This exactly.  I posted somewhere about an idea to divide some of the slots for each backpack, vest, or other container into smaller quadrants. 


So for example a 25 slot hunter backpack might have 5 additional slots (representing the smaller pouches on the pack) each divided into smaller quadrants of 4 which only fit certain small and light items, for example batteries, fishing hooks, paper, pen, maybe even some of the smaller medium sized things like rope, loose rounds up to a certain number, some of the small medical items like syringes, water purification tablets, etc. - basically anything that is both small and has negligible weight.


This would be a more realistic way to carry a lot of small items that really take up negligible space and weight in real life, without having to sacrifice lots of "slot space" in an unrealistic way as we do now.


The fact that a fishing hook or a pen takes up as much "space" in a backpack or pocket as a 1911 magazine right now is silly. 


But I think the Tetris system is reasonably realistic in that in reality in packing things into a bag or any other space you have to take into account both the size of the item and space it takes up, as well as what angle it might fit into the bag to make it fit as well as to make it accessible. 


Also beans have been hiven.

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