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=UN= & [-ZaP-] for President: Community Event

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Last night's event was Presidential Escort, hosted by =UN= on their server and organized by none other than [-ZaP-]Mordon. The objective was simple: the Secret Service had to get "The President" from near Novodmitrovsk to Zaprudnoe on the main east-west road while being ambushed by teams of assassins at floating points along the route. The assassins weren't allowed to kill the President, just detain him by any means necessary. Anyone else interfering in the event, was to be ignored or shot.


The event was well attended, with an estimated 18 participants from both clans, as well as onlookers. [-ZaP-] turnout was especially strong, with over half the event being represented by them. Festivities began at 19:00 CST, but the event started late, in any case. This was no fault of the organisers as people had to make their way to the rally point at Severograd and contend with all the usual DayZ'isms: disconnects, getting shot at, getting lost, starving and having to gear up.


While milling about in the square at Severograd teams were split off, either on a volunteer basis or by selection. The Escort group numbered about 9, a mix of [-ZaP-] and =UN=. [-Zap-]BearJew manned up and took the role of the President, unarmed and wearing a blaze red shirt, so he couldn't be missed. He also took to the role immediately and demanded to be addressed as "Mr. President", flipping the bird to anyone who would not comply. Four teams of assassins were paired off and given their own TeamSpeak channels and started to move out to ambush points of their own choosing, within 20 metres north or south of the east-west road. The escort team donned =UN's= trademark blue berets while assassin teams wore green berets. Curious bambis and other, armed interlopers who happened on this scene were either shooed away or politely asked to leave.


As the event was set to begin, =UN=CommanderCesar somehow got stuck in the wall on the ground floor of the office/school building and no amount of crouch jumping and other techniques could get him out. Faced with starvation, an attempt was made to shoot or punch him while he was sticking out of the wall. When that failed, even a grenade was tried, but to no avail. Ultimately and unfortunately, his assassin team was dissolved and his teammate, [-Zap-]Vizel didn't participate.


This commotion and shooting must of been audible for quite some distance, as it drew in hordes of zeds, who were shot in turn, and then sniper fire from the hill over the southern train station. As event organisation continued, a sincere attempt was made to ignore the incessant sniper fire, with participants sprinting across the town square or hiding behind the statue, while rifle shots cracked nearby.


After a =UN= member was eventually killed by the sniper, counter snipers began to return fire and a payback team consisting of [-ZaP-]Comanche6 and [-ZaP-]PlasmaWolf moved to intercept. [-ZaP-]Mordon put an end to that nonsense and demanded that the escort team stop "fapping about" and move east on the road to their start point, immediately. Like irritated cats, the participants reluctantly complied.


While en route, east, towards the startpoint at Svergino, the escort was diligently organising themselves and discussing moving in bounds on the shoulder of the highway so that effective fire could be brought on any would-be attackers. Just shy of the start point, and prior to the event's start, at a crook in the road bordered by two small hills, a =UN= escort team member fell dead on the street as the rest of the escort team came under effective fire. The President began dancing a figure eight right in the middle of the road, with bullets smacking the pavement near his feet. As the escort deployed to fight, =UN=Snipps and [-ZaP-]Comanche6 put in a sharp counter-ambush attack that saw "purple backpack" eat several dozen rounds, put his friend to flight and pin and then kill an assassin team member. That counter was short-lived, however, as the intensity and scope of the gunfight grew and as an unseen sniper and flankers began to take their toll on the escort team. Soon alone, but for the President, =UN=Snipps eventually succumbed to his wounds, after being shot several times.


Over comms, the President desperately queried: "What the fuck do I do now?!" The almost universal response was: "Run west you idiot!", and the President complied, sprinting west on the highway, under constant, but ineffective fire. Shortly after that, the event was called, having never really started.


It turned out that at the crook in the road ambush, an assassin team, including =UN=Genty and his teammate had stumbled into a firefight with "purple backpack" and his friends, and that fight was still in progress as the escort team came ambling by. "Purple backpack" was already dead but hadn't ragdolled, and as a consequence, drew a lot of fire. =UN=Genty and his teammate were killed by the escort team's counter attack. As fate may have it, another assassin team had chosen an ambush spot on the southern side of the road nearby and were drawn to the shooting. They eventually managed to kill the rest of the escort team and the other assassin team as well as a couple of unfortunate passers-by. [-ZaP-]Bushido, of the surviving assassin team, the "unseen sniper" with four kills to his credit later commented: "It was easy.".


Although aborted early, the event was seen as a success and was regarded as very entertaining for the participants. Much was learned about handling events of this nature and changes will be made next time, including having participants meet on their own time near their designated start points. A special thanks goes out to =UN=CommanderCesar and [-ZaP-]Mordon for taking the time to organise this event, and for having to deal with the usual bunch of mouthy, drunk or distracted players. Despite all the difficulties that DayZ throws at any attempt of organised events, everyone remained cool and rolled with the punches. =UN= and [-ZaP-] demonstrated once again that two large clans can build bonds and a foster a sense of community, in ironically, a game world which is designed to prevent that.


More information at:

=UN= TS: uk-voice2.fragnet.net:10053

[-ZaP-] TS: ts3.zombie-abomination.net





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Nice to see an event like this, i would love to participate next time.

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Nice to see an event like this, i would love to participate next time.

Look us up! We run these every Thursday and one big one a month on Saturdays.

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