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During what times is it night?

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I'm in UK where it's 13:53, and it's bright daylight outside... and as I understand when it's night time where the server is hosted, it's night time in the game?

So I joined a UK server and it was night time?

So, which server do I need to join for it to be day time? :P

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Many servers have time settings included in their name, some servers change their timezone, so people joining in the evenings can experience a few hours daylight. Some server have delayed time a couple of hours, others have reversed the day/night cycle.

These servers usually have UTC+3 or UTC+9 included in their server name.

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What you need to do is stop aiming for the servers that are half empty. Go for the full ones and wait for a slot.

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As mentioned the server time is solely up to the people running the server. You can find servers with both day and nighttime locally - some people just prefer playing daytime and have work till late so they can't normally play during daytime.

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You'll only know once you've joined a server, there are so many out there and even if they have GMT +/- in their description, you can't even be sure of that, because sometimes it gets reverted by reboots etc.

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