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High Res player models?

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Hi everyone. I've seen videos where player's models and backpacks have high def textures compared to mine. Is this due to owning the British and PMC DLC? I only own combined ops.

Thanks in advance for sharing your knowledge.

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Yes. You need the full DLC's to get the High Res textures.

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Yes. You need the full DLC's to get the High Res textures.

Can anyone clarify what this effects - is it just player textures or does it improve overall graphics?

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You also get slightly higher quality sound on the guns and vehicels.

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I heard it's just the military DLC that does the improved models.

If I am not mistaken some of the guns in the Game, for example the L85A2 is from the British Armed Forces DLC, meaning that owning the BAF DLC will result in higher textures and better sounds for said weapon, I'm not sure HOW much content will be improved though, I just re-installed my PMC today cuz I couldn't stand looking at my blurry pixelated survivor :P

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