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Elvis 22222222

D-bag of the year

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So I was in Berezino just kinda screwing around, gave my gear to a fresh spawn, striped down to nothing, not even any shoes. I warned new spawns about the KOS clan in Electro, played bait for some dude who wanted to play hero, and kill some bandits. He logged off after 30 mins of nothing but nice people coming threw...  I got bored too, and just left my dude on the roof about to kill myself for a new spawn (Town was completely looted & starving to death). Not really paying attention watching the game, also a friend might jump in to the server so I was waiting on him so i was just standing there just in case he was joining to not kill myself....


This D-Bag climbs 2 latters walks up behind me, and shoot me in the leg... why... I just rolled of the building to kill myself, but not before the dumb*** got lit up by 2 M4s across from me who logged in I suppose. Nice people wanted to help me...  



What brings someone to be this level of "trolling" (Idiot).  

Edited by Elvis 22222222
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I had a similar experience with a young kid around Three Valleys. Shot me in the legs and left me in the middle of the road.

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I clicked on this thread thinking it was a tribute to me.


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That one had me crying with laughter, it was so funny.  It all got very philosophical towards the end though...

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