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Reoccupation of Chernarus

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Just had an idea, could be pretty simple to implement and could add a nice new objective for people that are bored of hoarding gear.

The ability to occupy and run villages / towns has been on my mind for a while now, but I couldn't think of a way to implement it, and the answer is so simple I wanted to punch myself in the nose.

Have zombies spawn OUTSIDE of towns, walking toward them slowly like they would a flare. Maybe an invisible marker in the center of towns that they are attracted to.

This simple change opens up a massive game play option... occupying the towns and keeping them zombie free through use of wire fencing and other items that would keep them out (maybe add an item that lets you make some kind of wire gate for players?)

A group of players could raid a small town clearing it of zombies then start building a makeshift wall around the town while at the same time trying to keep the ones that are spawning outside of the village and coming towards them away. Once the wall is built and the zombies can't get in players will have a "safe" town that they can use to trade in, loot, keep other groups of players away from...

There could end up being full scale wars for control of resource heavy towns. Why should we be stuck creeping around the woods and hiding buggy tents when we could be taking entire towns by force!

The only thing stopping this happening is the fact that zombies spawn inside the towns rather than outside. A relatively simple change that could have some interesting results on game play.

You may now proceed with flaming and crying.

edit: didn't see the Liberation! thread below. Maybe this should be in there haha.

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I would actually love to see this. But it'd be a little too easy to exploit. So that's why I'm not exactly keen for it. Otherwise, yeah. It's a pretty nice idea to help rebuild small hamlets in the zed infested world.

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and i would camp on the forest line iwht my dmr/m107 to kill everyone intown :D

Then there's always the chance someone in the town saw where you are shooting from and you end up under a hail of bullets from 10+ town people.

But yeah, why not, this thing can happen in real life, would be a bit tricky surviving the zombies you might attract with a sniper shot though. :D

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