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James Hawke

Some unrelated suggestions

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Hi, I have had a few more suggestions in my head these days, so I'm just gonna spit them out...


  1. The ability to wear shirts, hoodies and jackets at the same time. It is illogical to wear only a jacket over your naked chest if you want to keep warm and I have yet to meet a person in his right mind to do that. It would also make for more storage space without the need of a backpack or a vest. Or maybe if you enable us to wear a shirt or a hoodie under a jacket, or a shirt under a hoodie, you could make it so you can only use half the normal slots of the lower piece of clothing but all the slots of the upper one. Or let us use all the slots, I don't know.
  2. Expand the map to have more space for wilderness and cities. Yes, the map is quite big already, but it could be bigger... always bigger ;)
  3. Add a city that actually has the proportions of a real city or something at least remotely close to that. I know, Novodmitrovsk is big if you see it in relation to the other collections of huts and small houses that for some reason qualify to even have names in this game, but even so, the size of Novo would at best be considered a small to normal sized town in reality. I'd like to see a city so vast I could get lost in the nooks and crannies, a city where you could land on the helipad of the local hospital without people on the edge of town having the ability to be on the spot within thirty seconds, and most importantly, a city so chock full of zombies that you wouldn't dare enter it, weren't the loot so nice.
  4. I'd like to see new buildings, and modern ones. I don't exactly know how many models of buildings we have in this game currently, but they don't seem particularly numerous. I know exactly what buildings to ignore because they never spawn any loot, and every small town on the map looks pretty much the same by now (of course, I'm not talking about layout here). I want new buildings, modern buildings, bigger buildings...
  5. While I like that in comparison to the mod you can enter pretty much any building, I find it peculiar that all of the doors are open. You could smash in or pry open a closed door with crow bars, axes, pickaxes, what have you... Or kick a door in... or whatever.
  6. When it comes to the act of base-building (I know it's a far ways off but even so...), I thought it would be nice to use the shovel/pickaxe to be able to dig a hole, and then maybe close it up with a wooden board, camouflages with some grass and leaves and stuff... That would give you a small, hard to find base, that doesn't require you to go anywhere near a house.


So... that's just what I had in mind.

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Good ideas. I really like the expand the map and big city ones. However, expanding a map is harder than It sounds. if done incorrectly, it would just stretch out the current map, making all of the buildings and such super stretched out and terrible looking. The big town is a great idea too, I think place it in the far North-West corner. would be awesome to include some bigger buildings, make some actual skyscrapers in this city.


I have 1 idea I would like to add, which is this. Include a large river or 2, once boats are added this will be their primary way of getting inland. make it very hard or impossible to cross by swimming. add some bridges at the towns and such, these could be used as choke points by a group wanting to defend a location. Bandits would be setting up border patrol here, and requiring an entry fee or something to get in. we need some more waterways, right now finding a pond or creek is rarer then finding a gun.

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I have 1 idea I would like to add, which is this. Include a large river or 2, once boats are added this will be their primary way of getting inland. make it very hard or impossible to cross by swimming. add some bridges at the towns and such, these could be used as choke points by a group wanting to defend a location. Bandits would be setting up border patrol here, and requiring an entry fee or something to get in. we need some more waterways, right now finding a pond or creek is rarer then finding a gun.


Good one. I had thought about having actual rivers as well, but I forgot about it at some point :D

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