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Help I Can't see few options to configure the game

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Here's a screenshot of the problem: http://steamcommunity.com/id/rippone/screenshot/52111350257762570


How can I fix it?


I already checked the cache's integrity and reinstalled the game, but the problem remains.

I've had that since the beginning, I don't know if there is a fix.

After reinstalling I just didn't touch it anymore (it apparently get's set to auto which is supposed to be good from what I've read).

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As far as i know, video memory allocation has no options yet and is always set to auto. That's why the drop down menu is empty. I think we will be able to change it once the game hits the optimization stage.


Correct me if I'm wrong.

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There is and always has been options to choose from in this drop down. Just select auto if you can, if not you could try deleting (make a backup first) of the DayZ folder in your 'documents'. The game will create a new cfg file when you run it again. 

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Here's a screenshot of the problem: http://steamcommunity.com/id/rippone/screenshot/52111350257762570


How can I fix it?


I already checked the cache's integrity and reinstalled the game, but the problem remains.

Have had this happen a few times when switching from stable to Exp. & back.


There is and always has been options to choose from in this drop down. Just select auto if you can, if not you could try deleting (make a backup first) of the DayZ folder in your 'documents'. The game will create a new cfg file when you run it again. 

This has always fixed it for me. Hope you get it fixed.

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System specs please, including OS.

Please Read the Sickies in the Troubleshooting Forum (moved to).

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