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mosin whit bipods

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my friend saw a guy who had a bipod on his mosin whit burlapwraps and grass, how can it be possible? I can't get the bipod on at all, I made wraps and tried everything??


And if it dosn't work and he were a "hacker", does anyone know when it will be back to put a bipod on mosin?

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He probably still had it since before they took the feature out. My friend who hadn't played for months came on and still had a mosin with a bipod as well.

Not sure how they eluded the char wipes though.(if there were any)

Edited by Chompster
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Yeah, seems the policy is disabling the action of putting something on a gun, not the state of something being on a gun.

Friend ran around with a clown mask and a pilot helmet for a long while after they disallowed it. Looked awesome. Total psycho clown, and probably the only one in the game by then.

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There hasn't been a character wipe since the bipod was removed from the mosins accessories so not sure how they could have 'elduded' it as Chompster said.

Either way, it's likely the hasn't died since they were removed either through inactivity or good play or he looted it from someone who had survived

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There hasn't been a character wipe since the bipod was removed from the mosins accessories so not sure how they could have 'elduded' it as Chompster said.

Either way, it's likely the hasn't died since they were removed either through inactivity or good play or he looted it from someone who had survived

I play mainly on experimental so i'm not aware of any stable wipes or not. See it being thrown around quite a bit on the forums so assumed there was one at some point.

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There was one early on (before I started playing) which got rid of things like the old grey tactical vest. There's another wipe due soon, which should coincide with the release of .49 on stable, and it is aiming to remove duping exploits and hacked ammo.

Sorry if I came across as a bit of a 'know it all', wasn't my intention, I just didn't want people to assume it was a hack/exploit like everyone assumed the only people who had m4s in the previous patch were hackers.

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