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Redrick (DayZ)

Low texture models?

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Now before you ask:

-I do own Arma 2

-I do own Arma 2 OA

-I just bought Arma 2 PMC pack

This are all off of steam, and legally. Now, why is it that even though my settings are on high, the models still look like poop? I bought the PMC, now after its installed and in my library all I have to do for it to take effect in game is just right click OA and click "Launch Combined Op's" right?

Any help is appreciated, thanks.

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Once it's installed, check it's active in the "Expansions" menu when you start dayz and the rest should be automatic. Same works for the British expansion pack too.

An easy way to tell in game if it's working or not is to look at the PMC guys' caps, it's black and grey digital camo instead of solid crayon black in the low res version.

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Wait, so for the high res models to work I need the british pack to? And thanks!

Sorry for double post, but here is my main menu. Would you say its enabled? At the bottom it says the PMC logo...

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Also, IIRC you should run both Arma 2 (original) and the DLCs once at first, so they register properly into the windows registry. I am not sure about it but it used to be that way with Arma 2 and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead if you bought them separately (and wanted them together like Combined Ops), and could be the case with steam as well.

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