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DayZ Arma 2 Cinematic Hero Skin

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Hey guys,

im working on some cinematics and i am looking for the hero and bandit skin. How can i use different skins, than the normal ones of the editor. I know, how to set faces, is it possible to do something similar with the clothing? 

It would be awesome, if i could also set Epoch skins.


Thanks for replies!



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This is meant for the DayZ Mod Section, not the Standalone section. Most people here wont be able to help, so your better off moving to the Mod area where this belongs.


Don't rush to delete it, and admin will move it for yah :P

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Hey guys, im working on some cinematics and i am looking for the hero and bandit skin. How can i use different skins, than the normal ones of the editor.

I know, how to set faces, is it possible to do something similar with the clothing?

It would be awesome, if i could also set Epoch skins.


Thanks for replies!


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