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Does anyone know hot to reduce the lag at all?! It is so bad! If you know how please help!

Edited by noel_18_

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if it is internet related, try joining servers with fewer people or diferente servers, sometimes i join servers that have 10 people and have more lag than another one with 20, experimente a bit!!


if it is graphics related, try tweaking in the vídeo options( disable clouds for exemple, lower graphic detail to médium or low) the game is still very far for being optimized so for now play with low specs!!

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Does anyone know hot to reduce the lag at all?! It is so bad! If you know how please help!



Lag! :(



I think your confusing the 2. Lag and FPS. You say lag, but your title says fps. So which is it truly? Are you going into a town and it's slow or choppy? That's fps. Are you shooting somebody and it doesn't register or a zombie is attacking you but you don't see it? That's lag and dsync. Find out which one it really is then we can help you further. 

Also just in case it is fps go to this link to fix your FPS issues. Good luck!


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