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Still new need help finding better supplies

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Ive been playing for a few weeks now and finally just got on the forums and i was wondering if you guys have any advise for where to go for better weapons after i find the remington and lee enfield

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Alright thanks and where is Stary Sober on the map i cant seem to find it

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You can sometimes find better Assault Rifles in really large cities like Cherno and the CZ550 Sniper Rifle in barns, but they're pretty rare.

Army Bases, Dear-stands, and helicopter crash sites are the go-to places for better weapons. BUT, everybody knows that. So more often than not by the time you find such a location it would already have been looted, or you might run into a bandit who was heading that way as well.

The Army Bases can be found on the map, dear-stands are fixed locations, and helicopter crash sites spawn in random locations.

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Thanks! Damn ive been walking by the deer stands just not thinking about checking them for loot

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airfield hangars/barracks/control towers - most obvious spots and thus most dangerous

fire stations

military field hospitals

crashed helicopters

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To be honest your first goal shouldnt be to find a primary weapon. I appreciate my M1911 much more than my M16 due to its reliability, ammo availability and reduced threat when confronting zombies.

Backpack, food, canteens and medical supplies should be your first target. Hell even a Makarov can one-shot somebody.

Winchester is an amazing first hand weapon if you were to choose any. Long 500m range, amazing ammo capacity and damage with slugs.

Try going to Balota, Cherog or Elektro and equip yourself.

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