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Consolidated Camoflauge Suggestions

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Similiar to the civilian clothing thread, post camoflauge ideas here.

Preferably a short explanation of why it would fit to avoid people crying about realism in a zombie game.

Woodland Marpat: Used in A2 lore during Red Harvest by US Marines.

Desert Marpat: Used rarely in A2 Chernarus, used some in Takistan, most likely found its way to Chernarus. Most likely used during the UN effort in DayZ

Army ACU: Used in A2 Takistan, found its way into Chernarus during and after the war, most likely used during the outbreak by the joint UN effort.

Multicam: Used rarely in A2 Takistan (SF Marksman has Multicam pants) most likely found its way into Chernarus, probably used duting the joint UN effort during DayZ

MTP: Used by English military, most likely used in the UN effort in DayZ

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