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Layering System/Clothing useless, how to fix

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Shit Norwegians Say #1, “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes"

Dressing for the elements is the most important consideration for any trip. It starts with a layering system and materials to match conditions.

The Layering Concept: What they are and why they matter.


A layering system (3 minimum) is the fundamental rule for all serious outdoor dressing.
Base layer: Traps heat against the body. This material must contain properties that allow two things to happen it must be able to a ) trap heat b )wick moisture away from the skin and evaporate it otherwise the base layer becomes soaked with sweat and cannot regulate temperature. Wool, poly-fibres are the best. Cotten the worst ("Cotten kills" a famous saying, sorry hoodies are terrible outdoors-wear)

Mid layer: Think fleece, shirts, light warm jacket or even a heavy/insulation garment (down). The mid layer is your second line of defence against the elements.

Outer/Shell Layer: The correct term is 'shell'. This is your waterproof (therefore wind proof) layer. This is your raincoat/gortex to protect your base/mid from rain/wind.


Why layer? For physical sustainment into any given condtions. A big puffy down jacket will keep you warm but you will quickly overheat during exercise. Another example: A raincoat (shell) over a themeral (base) will be enough to keep you warm in rain because a) physical movement keeps the body warm b) the thermal wicks moisture away from the body through evaporation keeping body tempreture regulated c)the shell layer prevents wind chill/rain fall soaking the base layer


This is how the layering system and body interacts at a very basic level....without taking into account max saturation level/different types of evaporation/material performence...a few concepts at a time is enough!

So what's wrong with the current system? (Descending in order of importance)
1)Well there is no layering system...
2)Clothing is not functional/limited utility
3)Is the current distinction between materials (ie: wool vs cotton meaningful) or just cosmetic?

1) Speaks for itself! A UI for three layers on torso and then legs. Now let's talk about function.

2) Top 3 Functionality Improvements! Making Clothes Fun!
*Clothes need to be compressible. Down jackets come with their own sacks or stuff into their hoods/pockects as do rain coats, shirts and be folded, compression is they key...http://www.montane.co.uk/repository/Editor/assets/images/products/standard_featherlite_down_jacket_jelly_bean_bag_Product_image_FOR_NEW_WEB.jpg

*The elements actually need to pose a threat! Otherwise even if compression is implemented without the threat of exposure in planning a backpack/gear layering is pointless if the weather has no teeth

*Hats provide shade to ward off thirst. A beanie should warm you up faster than other headwear. A cotton shirt keeps you cooler in the sun due to the fact that it holds sweat with the combined windchill factor. Essentially clothes impact their corresponding body part.

3) I brought this up because of the fact that material types are in place but nobody including the devs has said much about where they want to take clothing/layering.


Edited by Trizzo
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I 100% agree with everything OP said here.  I think the only thing I've seen that the devs have stated regarding this is that clothing like raincoats will protect players from wetness and something like hypothermia.  


But you've made several excellent points going deeper into what should be done regarding layering and clothing functionality.

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A few random thoughts and ideas, some are on topic some are not...


Yes weather and clothing should affect gameplay and there should be some sort of mechanic to deal with the hot and cold weather;


Sprinting in the sun with full kit for extended periods should effect your hydration and energy levels. If you only wearing a T-shirt and shorts and running shoes you should be able to run faster and for longer and not need to eat/drink as much than someone with military boots and a mountain pack full of gear.


The speed at which you run should be affected by how 'energised' and 'hydrated' you are AND how much gear (weight) your are carrying.


All gear should have a weight and and to move that weight requires energy (food). eg if you want to sprint with a full kit from balota to svetlo you are going to need more food and water than someone who has nothing. The buffs and nerfs to movement speed and hunger / thirst level should be minor only.


At night time it should always be cold; if you only have a t-shirt on 'you are cold' > 'you are freezing' (shaky aim and random chance to get 'sick'). Sitting still for too long could make this worse. If it was raining at night time and your clothes become 'wet' you cannot warm up unless you dry your clothes by a fire that is in doors. If you get rained on during the day your clothes dry over time. If your clothes stay wet for too long degradation of certain items occurs. When 'you are cold' you should need more food to stay 'energised' and if you eat hot food you should warm up instantly. 


Raincoat and gumboots (wellies) should stop you getting wet if its raining.


I'm not too sure about the layering, that may be going a bit too far but certainly the weather/temperature should have an effect on gameplay.


Introducing a weight system for your inventory that directly effects your hunger and thirst levels in conjunction with movement speed is a big step that a lot of people will be against but again I will say that the buffs and nerfs I'm talking about here only need to minor.




Also while I'm at it lets make some changes to the sounds a character makes when moving:


The sound of movement should be dependant on what clothing/equipment that person is carrying.


The following should all have slightly different sounds:


Sneakers / boots / no shoes


Jacket / t-shirt / vest and jacket / raincoat


Carrying a melee in hands /  melee on back


Carrying a primary weapon in hands / primary weapon on back


Basically a fully kitted out player sprinting along would sound a lot different to a fresh spawn sprinting along.

Edited by chodeofwar

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I agree with this. It seems really strange to me that we can't layer our clothes. You should be able to wear a T-shirt/vest, Shirt/hoodie and a coat over the top.


I would also suggest that all clothing items that have buttons/zip be able to be worn either done up, or undone to aid with either keeping warm, or keeping cool. This would also allow for more variation in character models.

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Yep totally agree with the OP - layering would be great given the increasing importance of the environmental/survival elements to DayZ. Only issue I could see would be what we already see to a degree of lower layers poking through parts of top layers, although I'm sure that that could be worked around. 

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