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Banned from Dallas 22 server

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I'm glad you think you're some superior muffin to the rest of us. Keep pretending if it makes your forever-alone existence that little bit more bearable.

Oh! Oh! Can we play a game called the irony complex? 'Cause I see someone trying to play the voice of the voiceless card against server admins. See the type of people that play this card generally ignore the work these people put in. Example would be these people pay out money out of their own pocket to help a developing mod and player base. Which that seems to get lost in your inane self righteous cause.

Admins should have no more rights than their players' date=' simple as that. The reason you're able to kick and ban is a privilege and one that should be taken away from people like you who think it's alright to do whatever you want with someone else's software and gametime.


I abhor this logic because it makes no sense whatsoever if you have any idea what helps a community sustain long term. If you look back in any community, civilization, and any functioning business there will always need to be some form of group that has a right to enforce rules and maintain civility. I mean if no one does then you will have a bunch of morons that like to break rules, exploit, harrass people. Admins provide a form to inhibit this type of behavior and provide a civil area to game. If you don't like those rules you are free to practice your game play in other servers that are less strict. Quite frankly as long as the server fall within the developers terms of service I do not see why admins cannot formulate their own acceptable behavior.

The fact that you can afford a server in the first place tells me you're an adult. Perhaps it's time you got off your teenage power trip and did a reality check. You aren't anymore important as anyone else on the forums.

Player Power! YES! YES! YES! Wait Wait...I have to pay money for a server so in that case should I have rights? Clearly you are either an young adult who has no idea what it likes to be in position to supervise people or you are an teenager who has no clue. I digress though because an person who puts out money for their own server shouldn't have the rights to form their own rules as long as they are within guidelines. Dang..I wish I could be in your world 'cause I am sure it is civil.

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Orphen. There's an E.

Would you really want an Admin that could ban for whatever reason he chose to? Admins are meant to be responsible' date=' professional and reliable. They should provide proof for their actions, no matter what action was taken, if questioned as is expected of a server admin.

As mentioned before, not all players have FRAPS running but any competent server admin has access to the server logs.

Just to add: Kicking for exploiting I can understand. Despite Rocket not outlining that rule specifically, I have no doubt in my mind that he supports that reason for kicks/bans. What developer wouldn't?

But if someone is banned for that reason and the admin is called out on it, they should have proof at the ready.


You show your ignorance of the admin process with your comments.

The logs do not show intent. It only shows when someone leaves the server.

If I am shooting at someone and they DC...there's not much else to take from that other than they are exploiting.

Period. I'm not going to run fraps to prove my ban to someone that doesn't pay for my servers.

End of.

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Oh! Oh! Can we play a game called the irony complex? 'Cause I see someone trying to play the voice of the voiceless card against server admins. See the type of people that play this card generally have entitlement issues with themselves and quite frankly ignore the work these people put in. Example would be these people pay out money out of their own pocket to help a developing mod and player base. Which that seems to get lost in your inane self righteous cause.

I guess you frequent enough forums to give a psychological analysis of everyone on there' date=' right? Show me the psychology degree and I'll buy into your game.

They put money into server hosts, not Rocket's hands. It has no impact on the mod at all other than allowing people to play it.

I abhor this logic because it makes no sense whatsoever if you have any idea what helps a community sustain long term. If you look back in any community, civilization, and any functioning business there will always need to be some form of group that has a right to enforce rules and maintain civility. I mean if no one does then you will have a bunch of morons that like to break rules, exploit, harrass people. Admins provide a form to inhibit this type of behavior and provide a civil area to game. If you don't like those rules you are free to practice your game play in other servers that are less strict. Quite frankly as long as the server fall within the developers terms of service I do not see why admins cannot formulate their own acceptable behavior.

And who enforces those who enforce? Here the dev team are too busy to deal with entitled admins on a power trip, so who stops them from screwing over their respective playerbases?

Also, research some of Tomcat's posts. It pretty much sums up what type of person he is. He has no place hosting a server. I feel sorry if he's in a position of power in whatever profession he works in.

You can bet damnwell I'm staying away from Tomcat's servers. I wouldn't want to be banned for leading a revolution against his almighty ironfist or anything.

Player Power! YES! YES! YES! Wait Wait...I have to pay money for a server so in that case should I have rights? Clearly you are either an young adult who has no idea what it likes to be in position to supervise people or you are an teenager who has no clue. I digress though because an person who puts out money for their own server shouldn't have the rights to form their own rules as long as they are within guidelines. Dang..I wish I could be in your world 'cause I am sure it is civil.

You are allowed to supervise when you've proven capable. There is no such restriction here. You just throw a wad of cash at a host' date=' throw Rocket a PM, wait a week or two and off you go.

For some reason, Tomcat and fan-following seem to think that the DayZ software belongs to them and they can do whatever they like on it and through it. As I said before, Rocket owns that software and you're just babysitting it. Some admins take advantage of that and do whatever the hell they like thinking they can get away with it.

You show your ignorance of the admin process with your comments.

The logs do not show intent. It only shows when someone leaves the server.

If I am shooting at someone and they DC...there's not much else to take from that other than they are exploiting.

Period. I'm not going to run fraps to prove my ban to someone that doesn't pay for my servers.

End of.

Then maybe, JUST MAYBE, that's why Rocket hasn't listed it as a bannable offense? Think about it...

You can catch most combat loggers as they'll spam login if they want something bad enough.

So, if Rocket came down here right now and said provide proof of this ban or lift it, you'd just give him the finger and carry on pretending you're some almighty dictator? Smooth.

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Oh! Oh! Can we play a game called the irony complex? 'Cause I see someone trying to play the voice of the voiceless card against server admins. See the type of people that play this card generally have entitlement issues with themselves and quite frankly ignore the work these people put in. Example would be these people pay out money out of their own pocket to help a developing mod and player base. Which that seems to get lost in your inane self righteous cause.

I guess you frequent enough forums to give a psychological analysis of everyone on there' date=' right? Show me the psychology degree and I'll buy into your game.

They put money into server hosts, not Rocket's hands. It has no impact on the mod at all other than allowing people to play it.

I abhor this logic because it makes no sense whatsoever if you have any idea what helps a community sustain long term. If you look back in any community, civilization, and any functioning business there will always need to be some form of group that has a right to enforce rules and maintain civility. I mean if no one does then you will have a bunch of morons that like to break rules, exploit, harrass people. Admins provide a form to inhibit this type of behavior and provide a civil area to game. If you don't like those rules you are free to practice your game play in other servers that are less strict. Quite frankly as long as the server fall within the developers terms of service I do not see why admins cannot formulate their own acceptable behavior.

And who enforces those who enforce? Here the dev team are too busy to deal with entitled admins on a power trip, so who stops them from screwing over their respective playerbases?

Also, research some of Tomcat's posts. It pretty much sums up what type of person he is. He has no place hosting a server. I feel sorry if he's in a position of power in whatever profession he works in.

You can bet damnwell I'm staying away from Tomcat's servers. I wouldn't want to be banned for leading a revolution against his almighty ironfist or anything.

Player Power! YES! YES! YES! Wait Wait...I have to pay money for a server so in that case should I have rights? Clearly you are either an young adult who has no idea what it likes to be in position to supervise people or you are an teenager who has no clue. I digress though because an person who puts out money for their own server shouldn't have the rights to form their own rules as long as they are within guidelines. Dang..I wish I could be in your world 'cause I am sure it is civil.

You are allowed to supervise when you've proven capable. There is no such restriction here. You just throw a wad of cash at a host' date=' throw Rocket a PM, wait a week or two and off you go.

For some reason, Tomcat and fan-following seem to think that the DayZ software belongs to them and they can do whatever they like on it and through it. As I said before, Rocket owns that software and you're just babysitting it. Some admins take advantage of that and do whatever the hell they like thinking they can get away with it.

You show your ignorance of the admin process with your comments.

The logs do not show intent. It only shows when someone leaves the server.

If I am shooting at someone and they DC...there's not much else to take from that other than they are exploiting.

Period. I'm not going to run fraps to prove my ban to someone that doesn't pay for my servers.

End of.

Then maybe, JUST MAYBE, that's why Rocket hasn't listed it as a bannable offense? Think about it...

You can catch most combat loggers as they'll spam login if they want something bad enough.

So, if Rocket came down here right now and said provide proof of this ban or lift it, you'd just give him the finger and carry on pretending you're some almighty dictator? Smooth.

But he DID say it was bannable you fucking idiot.

Go SEARCH before you talk shit.

I'm done with this guy.

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I have to say from the "attitude" shown by the hosts in this forum, a complete lack of respect for anyone at all, telling Mods to "go fuck themselves" and so on.

It's clear that this was a case of admin abuse, and those tomcat servers are ones to be avoided, they sound like children on a power trip. Not the way to run a server.

(oh and before the bullshit, I run many gameservers, not DayZ ones, because it's just too expensive for bandwidth in this country).

I run multiple COD servers . . you think YOU have to put up with bullshit, try running that games servers for a few years and see the crap that goes on....

Any credence these hosts had was lost the second they responded to reasonable requests with insults and abuse.

I can only hope they end up blacklisted so they can "re-think" their arrogant, self rightous, idiotic, dis-respectful, head-up-arse attitudes.

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Funny. You're getting all mad because you aren't used to resistance against your almighty server admin role, eh?

I just searched. I couldn't find the thread or post you were referring to. Feel free to link me.

Also, for your reading pleasure:

In short' date=' their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc. [/b']

There's your rights.

All any admin has to do is supply proof where capable. If you can't supply proof, lift the ban. It's as simple as that. You don't have to go off on a goddamn power trip.

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Funny. You're getting all mad because you aren't used to resistance against your almighty server admin role' date=' eh?

I just searched. I couldn't find the thread or post you were referring to. Feel free to link me.

Also, for your reading pleasure:

In short, their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc.

There's your rights.

All any admin has to do is supply proof where capable. If you can't supply proof, lift the ban. It's as simple as that. You don't have to go off on a goddamn power trip.


If you had really tried to search you would have seen it.

lol power trip. I don't give a SHIT if any of you ever join my server. But go ahead and DC...see what happens to you. :cool:

Too many fucking kids that think they can tell hosts what to do.


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i was banned from this server for killing ferren lmao he was admin, i kept killing him with my buddy at one time we had a chopper he kept restarting to get his truck back and his camp lmao but we kept knowing where he was after the restars with good guessing knowledge on the restarts he was SO MAD he couldint drive back to his destroyed camp n some how he had a l82 AWS in a tent or something friend wanted to show me it n BOOM restart 3rd time lmao, then we killed him again LOL and we were both banned LOL shitty admins trying to preserve their gear but they gotta BAN u cause u disrupt that haha. so sad. they dont even care if its to the point that just them are playing and make everyone else leave the server while restarting cause they did that, at one point when we started hounding ferren there were 25 players then it narrowed down to just us cause he kept restarting lmao. crappy scrubby admins.

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i was banned from this server for killing ferren lmao he was admin' date=' i kept killing him with my buddy at one time we had a chopper he kept restarting to get his truck back and his camp lmao but we kept knowing where he was after the restars with good guessing knowledge on the restarts he was SO MAD he couldint drive back to his destroyed camp n some how he had a l82 AWS in a tent or something friend wanted to show me it n BOOM restart 3rd time lmao, then we killed him again LOL and we were both banned LOL shitty admins trying to preserve their gear but they gotta BAN u cause u disrupt that haha. so sad. they dont even care if its to the point that just them are playing and make everyone else leave the server while restarting cause they did that, at one point when we started hounding ferren there were 25 players then it narrowed down to just us cause he kept restarting lmao. crappy scrubby admins.


Story sounds extremely fishy and most likely the tales of another hacker. Nice engrish and cool story bro.

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I have to say from the "attitude" shown by the hosts in this forum' date=' a complete lack of respect for anyone at all, telling Mods to "go fuck themselves" and so on.

It's clear that this was a case of admin abuse, and those tomcat servers are ones to be avoided, they sound like children on a power trip. Not the way to run a server.

(oh and before the bullshit, I run many gameservers, not DayZ ones, because it's just too expensive for bandwidth in this country).

I run multiple COD servers . . you think YOU have to put up with bullshit, try running that games servers for a few years and see the crap that goes on....

Any credence these hosts had was lost the second they responded to reasonable requests with insults and abuse.

I can only hope they end up blacklisted so they can "re-think" their arrogant, self rightous, idiotic, dis-respectful, head-up-arse attitudes.


Nice accusations. I hope you at least upgrade your old machine or remove your sig as that rig is dated and not anything special.

So... lefty? Why is Dallas 22 down?

Not sure, I am on vacation brother.

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I have to say from the "attitude" shown by the hosts in this forum' date=' a complete lack of respect for anyone at all, telling Mods to "go fuck themselves" and so on.

It's clear that this was a case of admin abuse, and those tomcat servers are ones to be avoided, they sound like children on a power trip. Not the way to run a server.

(oh and before the bullshit, I run many gameservers, not DayZ ones, because it's just too expensive for bandwidth in this country).

I run multiple COD servers . . you think YOU have to put up with bullshit, try running that games servers for a few years and see the crap that goes on....

Any credence these hosts had was lost the second they responded to reasonable requests with insults and abuse.

I can only hope they end up blacklisted so they can "re-think" their arrogant, self rightous, idiotic, dis-respectful, head-up-arse attitudes.


Nice accusations. I hope you at least upgrade your old machine or remove your sig as that rig is dated and not anything special.

So... lefty? Why is Dallas 22 down?

Not sure' date=' I am on vacation brother.


I love how they all think that we're going to be blacklisted because they don't agree with us.

God this community sucks. lol

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i was banned from this server for killing ferren lmao he was admin' date=' i kept killing him with my buddy at one time we had a chopper he kept restarting to get his truck back and his camp lmao but we kept knowing where he was after the restars with good guessing knowledge on the restarts he was SO MAD he couldint drive back to his destroyed camp n some how he had a l82 AWS in a tent or something friend wanted to show me it n BOOM restart 3rd time lmao, then we killed him again LOL and we were both banned LOL shitty admins trying to preserve their gear but they gotta BAN u cause u disrupt that haha. so sad. they dont even care if its to the point that just them are playing and make everyone else leave the server while restarting cause they did that, at one point when we started hounding ferren there were 25 players then it narrowed down to just us cause he kept restarting lmao. crappy scrubby admins.


You mean like this helo I spotted lastnight...

http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/576708585112558487/DD4D329423E7CB10A8060E85FA9F24CB38C0F285/ yep hacks

Edit: Noticed Dallas 22 has been down most of the day. Is it coming back? :(

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i was banned from this server for killing ferren lmao he was admin' date=' i kept killing him with my buddy at one time we had a chopper he kept restarting to get his truck back and his camp lmao but we kept knowing where he was after the restars with good guessing knowledge on the restarts he was SO MAD he couldint drive back to his destroyed camp n some how he had a l82 AWS in a tent or something friend wanted to show me it n BOOM restart 3rd time lmao, then we killed him again LOL and we were both banned LOL shitty admins trying to preserve their gear but they gotta BAN u cause u disrupt that haha. so sad. they dont even care if its to the point that just them are playing and make everyone else leave the server while restarting cause they did that, at one point when we started hounding ferren there were 25 players then it narrowed down to just us cause he kept restarting lmao. crappy scrubby admins.


You mean like this helo I spotted lastnight...

http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/576708585112558487/DD4D329423E7CB10A8060E85FA9F24CB38C0F285/ yep hacks

Edit: Noticed Dallas 22 has been down most of the day. Is it coming back? :(

Hi Boatman,

The 47.miller guys are DDoSing Dallas 22. Soon as they stop we will bring the server up. Just kidding. I am on vacation and don't have access atm and the dude who does is afk. Not sure when he will be back. He brought it down when the hive was having issues.

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i was banned from this server for killing ferren lmao he was admin' date=' i kept killing him with my buddy at one time we had a chopper he kept restarting to get his truck back and his camp lmao but we kept knowing where he was after the restars with good guessing knowledge on the restarts he was SO MAD he couldint drive back to his destroyed camp n some how he had a l82 AWS in a tent or something friend wanted to show me it n BOOM restart 3rd time lmao, then we killed him again LOL and we were both banned LOL shitty admins trying to preserve their gear but they gotta BAN u cause u disrupt that haha. so sad. they dont even care if its to the point that just them are playing and make everyone else leave the server while restarting cause they did that, at one point when we started hounding ferren there were 25 players then it narrowed down to just us cause he kept restarting lmao. crappy scrubby admins.


Story sounds extremely fishy and most likely the tales of another hacker. Nice engrish and cool story bro.

not really u just have horrible admins and they like to server restart to get their stuff back and rageban, i mean look at this whole 7 pages of TLDR about ur bullshit server, fucking dallas 22 sucks obviously an OBVIOUSLY has problems with power hungry admins... o wait ur fucking blind u didint notice that u couldint COVER UP this one... lol stfu faggot

and no i didint spawn a fucking chinook heli LOL i had a UH1H u got the wrong guy... nice accusation tho. have a random ss of someone god knows who n u just use it to point the finger st some other person u find "stupid" are u 12? im sorry is it illegal to make ppl rage in this game? no it isint dallas 22 sucks and has horrible admins. get good dont get mad.

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i was banned from this server for killing ferren lmao he was admin' date=' i kept killing him with my buddy at one time we had a chopper he kept restarting to get his truck back and his camp lmao but we kept knowing where he was after the restars with good guessing knowledge on the restarts he was SO MAD he couldint drive back to his destroyed camp n some how he had a l82 AWS in a tent or something friend wanted to show me it n BOOM restart 3rd time lmao, then we killed him again LOL and we were both banned LOL shitty admins trying to preserve their gear but they gotta BAN u cause u disrupt that haha. so sad. they dont even care if its to the point that just them are playing and make everyone else leave the server while restarting cause they did that, at one point when we started hounding ferren there were 25 players then it narrowed down to just us cause he kept restarting lmao. crappy scrubby admins.


Story sounds extremely fishy and most likely the tales of another hacker. Nice engrish and cool story bro.

not really u just have horrible admins and they like to server restart to get their stuff back and rageban, i mean look at this whole 7 pages of TLDR about ur bullshit server, fucking dallas 22 sucks obviously an OBVIOUSLY has problems with power hungry admins... o wait ur fucking blind u didint notice that u couldint COVER UP this one... lol stfu faggot

LOLWUT? Nice engrish kid. Are you 12 or have an education level of a 12 year old or both? Fraps or it didn't happen. Poor hacker doesn't like the server!!!! OH NOES!!! Go fuck up another server, retard.

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oh shit he got me with the grammar police insult? what u run out of good insults u gotta insult me about grammar LOL why dont u tell me u fucked my mom while im at it.... get original kid u fuckin loser loool get style faggot.

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oh shit he got me with the grammar police insult? what u run out of good insults u gotta insult me about grammar LOL why dont u tell me u fucked my mom while im at it.... get original kid u fuckin loser loool get style faggot.

You were able to bypass internet nanny installed on your family pc? Cool beans. It makes you a leet hacker obviously. Spawning heli's is so cool, all the cool kids do it. So much hate kid, go outside and get some sun. Then go back to school because, although this world needs ditch diggers, you may be able to amount to something better when you growS up. I'm not saying much but, hopefully it will come with dental insurance.

Well this was fun and all but I'm all finished with this kid. He must be raised by a single parent with no proper guidance or supervision. Poor kid is doomed.

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all you admins when u hear something AGAINST YOU its oh god SOUNDS LIKE ANOTHER HACKER LETS BAN THEM! cause u cant stand up against a better player u just call hacks and ban cause u cant get gear u lost back fuckin scrubs...

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and probably 70% of dayz can probably read me and understand exactly what im saying... its not anyone else on the forums responding its the person with no balls that cant play for shit and calls hacks and bans when he feels necessary cause his 90 dollars a month makes him feel special soo special he feels he has MORE of a right to call someone a hacker and his accusations are more justifiable. why dont u keep insulting me but everyone knows on these fourms ur server fuckin blows cause u suck kid get good. im talking dayz im not a fag and call ppl out about fairy tale thought up REAL LIFE insults cause im not a no good for nothing wheelchair bound faggot IRL like you that has to make himself a better being online. fuck you and get good faggot.

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I have to say from the "attitude" shown by the hosts in this forum' date=' a complete lack of respect for anyone at all, telling Mods to "go fuck themselves" and so on.

It's clear that this was a case of admin abuse, and those tomcat servers are ones to be avoided, they sound like children on a power trip. Not the way to run a server.

(oh and before the bullshit, I run many gameservers, not DayZ ones, because it's just too expensive for bandwidth in this country).

I run multiple COD servers . . you think YOU have to put up with bullshit, try running that games servers for a few years and see the crap that goes on....

Any credence these hosts had was lost the second they responded to reasonable requests with insults and abuse.

I can only hope they end up blacklisted so they can "re-think" their arrogant, self rightous, idiotic, dis-respectful, head-up-arse attitudes.


Nice accusations. I hope you at least upgrade your old machine or remove your sig as that rig is dated and not anything special.

So... lefty? Why is Dallas 22 down?

Not sure' date=' I am on vacation brother.


Wow, You are really that stupid ? - I don't run gameservers off my home pc LOL I have dedi servers to run them in a datacenter . .

I'd love to know what your "opinion" of my personal computer specs has to do with you abusing admin capacity on servers ?

Or was that some kind of sad sad attempt to make me mad ? (again for what purpose I don't know - and again it really shows the mentality, that of a child.

It is very clear that your an abusive admin, your posts in this thread alone show you for what you are. Probably some 15yr old with daddies credit card or god forbid your running the server off a home pc and connections.

Again I don't think "proof" would be needed in this case, this thread and the behaviour of the so called admin are proof enough of how they manage their server.

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and probably 70% of dayz can probably read me and understand exactly what im saying... its not anyone else on the forums responding its the person with no balls that cant play for shit and calls hacks and bans when he feels necessary cause his 90 dollars a month makes him feel special soo special he feels he has MORE of a right to call someone a hacker and his accusations are more justifiable. why dont u keep insulting me but everyone knows on these fourms ur server fuckin blows cause u suck kid get good. im talking dayz im not a fag and call ppl out about fairy tale thought up REAL LIFE insults cause im not a no good for nothing wheelchair bound faggot IRL like you that has to make himself a better being online. fuck you and get good faggot.

Keep digging that hole kid. Do you think anyone takes you seriously here?

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