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What mod is this?

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I've been wondering for a while what dayz mod this was. There are 3 factions: military, insurgents, and survivor. It looked like it was ran on ace. But I didn't think the mod "dayz hardcorps" had missions where instead of ai it would be the players in the military faction. I saw this mod being played by LastStandGamers on YouTube. Watch his days series and let me know. I'm not sure if any of the things are true. I'm just going by what I saw.

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I've been wondering for a while what dayz mod this was. There are 3 factions: military, insurgents, and survivor. It looked like it was ran on ace. But I didn't think the mod "dayz hardcorps" had missions where instead of ai it would be the players in the military faction. I saw this mod being played by LastStandGamers on YouTube. Watch his days series and let me know. I'm not sure if any of the things are true. I'm just going by what I saw.

moving to mod section.

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