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Sikee  Atric

Water Plants on map.

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I look around Chenarus and I think that there is something missing ingame. 


There is room to add the actual remains of water processing, since the factories would require water more than the handpumps would supply and the towns would also require pumped water.


So my suggestion is, to add the remains of a water desalinisation works and a sewage works ingame.  


The desalinisation plant wouldn't have to be too big, but there is room to add it in the far western corner near to Kamenka.  That would then have provided work for the area and add a new feature and major industrial equipment spawn to an otherwise quiet corner.


As for the sewage works, a few smaller ones could be added around the map for minor towns, but a major one could be added in the far north eastern corner, as a final treatment point, before the water is returned to sea.  It would also have provided work for the towns in the north east.


To add to this layer, pipeline remains could be added, maybe sections mirroring the railway line, or major roads in the area, to simulate the concept of water being pumped to the major towns and back out to sea.


The entire system would now be derelict, but it would suggest some modernisation was underway, before the infection came.


This isn't a major overhaul, just an attempt to add a layer of realism to Chenarus and add a suggestion to make people go to quieter corners of the map.

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There are dams spread around Chenarus, they would get their water from these sources rather than from a desalinization plant.  I'm not sure about water treatment in other parts of the world, but since Chenarus is rather 'lackluster' in infrastructure it might be possible they lack modern sewage treatment or water treatment plants as there are even outhouses in big cities like Electro.  It could also be possible that they are located 'off screen' since we do not play in the entirety of Chenarus.  There are some industrial buildings that could pass as water treatment in cities like Cherno and Electro.  Larger factories would probably also have their own treatment systems on property suited to their needs, if they even need treated water, which usually won't go anything beyond distilled, which can be met with a simple still.


Placement of sewage plants is important, as most places in real life don't just plop one down where it fits.  They usually try to keep them fairly close to urban centers while at the same time keeping them away from residental and comerical areas (no one likes the smell).  Speaking from an Urban Planer's point of view, if there wasn't one in the major cities, they would probably have them between major cities, such as Cherno and Electro, near the coastline, possibly in or near Prig (no one gives a shit about farmers, so they give the shit to farmers).  For the East coast I would probably have one at Riffy on that little jut of land near the shipwreck that would serve Novo, Berezino and Svet.  Most of the other towns are small enough that septic tanks/outhouses would be more economical.

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