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LF Experianced Tactical players

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We are currently a two man team. I am an AS50 sniper with a L85A2 AWS spotter. looking for about 2 to 3 more people for a tight knit tactical group. looking for others who share in our focus and attention to detail.

Best fit would be Assault and cover fire positions to complement our current roles. Experienced players who know how to move in formation and cover all fields of vision.

Raiding airfields, downed helis, and the sort are the objectives and we will eliminate all threats to our position and potential loot. We do not seek out harmless noobs to torment or lock down major cities for the fun of it. We tactically move in, eliminate all threats and loot the spoils of war.

Looking for mature, voice enabled players who know when its appropriate to be silent allowing combat information ONLY on vent. But at the same time we would like people who can have a good time between operations.

Reply or PM if interested or already have a high level squad looking for a good pair

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I have a mission that needs doing, I'm part of a larger group of seven people. It will be tedious but the rewards will be great. There's no guarantee that you will become part of our group, in fact you will be working solely with me. The operation in question will take place at about 1 AM central standard time. Send me a PM if you are interested.

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I'm west coast. I will play out to central.

Been playing since OFP. I am on day 4. Been solo. Looking for clan.

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I'm a guy with big eyes and an even bigger backpack. I'm new but I'm an ARMA/OFP veteran. I'm still learning the mechanics behind DayZ but so far so good. I have basic tactical knowledge and am used to being part of a large team. Send me a PM if you're interested

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hm, If you would not mind giving a little patience and training im a keen learner, good Navi without a map or compass and i know how to drive cars and fly choppers(Still a little fresh on the choppers though).

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[XI] is currently a group of 6 daily active mature players 20+. We use skype or my community teamspeak, We have survived as long as we have by working together and designating player roles within the group while doing hospital runs, or airfield raids. if your interested send me a pm or email me at hiroshima.905@gmail.com, Our current group set up is 1 recon team consisiting of myself (m107 50cal) my spotter (m24), 1 point man, one medical/ scavenger and our rear guard, we are working on day 4 since we formed our team looking for more so we can branch out into smaller squads/ fire teams to cover more ground

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