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Remove broken bones for now

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It may be an idea to just get rid of the broken leg mechanic until it actually works properly. If it's restricted to things like bear traps and HUGE falls, where you actually would. Or add morphine back to starting inventory.

Crawling on rocks, opening doors, TINY drops, random zombie hits... Maybe add an in game item: "Milk" that gives you bones that don't break at the lightest touch. I finally got geared up again after 2 hours, literally as I'm leaving the house I got my matches from, and a door breaks my leg. This doesn't add any brand of fun. It's just tedious. Not in a good way. Nowhere near a hospital, and morphine is as rare as diamonds in this game now. I haven't seen ANY since 1.7.0.

In my entire life, I've done crazier shit than in game (sans being hit by an infected, but... yeah) and never have I broken a bone.

And the idea that a magic morphine stick and you can sprint again... really? And I certainly couldn't crawl like that with a broken bone.

INB4 "this-isn't-the-mod-for-you": just think if this retarded mechanic was added in the next patch. Would it really make the game more immersive?

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I think of it more as a sprain or dislocation, where you really can't walk on it because of the pain. Although, killing the pain with morphine and running on it would just make it worse realistically... But in any event, I think there are worse and more broken mechanics. I haven't broken my leg from anything but zombie hits in days, and that was always having a few hits before hand. So maybe I'm just lucky, but this particular mechanic doesn't seem that broken to me right now.

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Morphine isn't that hard to find. I've found more than i'm willing to carry in my travels. I found a store where every spawn was medical supply boxes.

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I'm in Vyshnoye, so it's a looooong crawl back to Elektro. It's direct south, so my plan is to sit something to hold down my W key and go do other stuff, checking occasionally.

I avoided the cities on this spawn as I spawned near Prig and just went North. There were NO morphine spawn points, unless it spawned military loot, and in the military loot (0.99%) was a morphine.

If the mechanic can be implemented in a believable way; awesome-o, 100% support. Currently though, it's just a buggy, dumb hindrance most of the time that can only be fixed with a magic wand.

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I personally want to see broken bones stay, just make it to where zombies can break other bones (like arms) and cut the percentage chance (or damage to arms/legs) in two (in other words, if you have a 5% chance to break your leg, add in arms and make them both 2.5% chance each).

Adding splints might work as well, but by not fixing your bones you STAY in pain, painkillers don't affect you (why would they with that kind of pain) and you can now walk, but not sprint.

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I kinda agree with OP. You can break your leg by stepping over a fence or getting scratched by a zombie, and then you have to face-scrape the ground for miles or get a very lucky spawn. I personally don't think it adds a super fun survival experience, it just gets kind of boring until you find that morphine.

Maybe a slight or temporary movement reduction would be nice as a punishment for being stupid, or perhaps add different, more common medical items like improvised splints or something.

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I'm all for the actual mechanic (well... it needs work). I love the idea. But currently it adds the punishment at times that is just stupid, and completely irrelevant, I just think for now it might be an idea to just piss it off until it actually works as intended.

6/7 times I've broken a bone in this mod was either a glitch or just ridiculous (falling off building with the ladder hoo-hah). I'll accept the time a zed hit me. But the others are just tedioussss

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Having read quite many of these threads, in my opinion, the method of breaking a bone, fixing by a splint and being able to run a few hours/day or by finding painkillers/morphine whatever is the best.

No tideous "crawl 50 kilometers and several hours to Deathmatch Hospital #1 #2 or #3 and get shot in the face while trying to find magic drugs". No, don't get me wrong, I love the game (mod) and the challenge is nice. Yes the game should be difficult, but that isn't adding to the game to be honest; that feature isn't interesting or immersing at all. Yes, you should get punished for breaking your bones, but keep in mind this is a game after all.

And before some of you bitch about realism and call me codkiddy, if you broke a bone in the wilderness; no you definitely would not try to find magic morphine to fix your bones. You would make a splint and find medical assistance.

Zombies/players must be dangerous and you shouldn't be able to just run in their face and expect to get away unscratched, but the rate at which bones break at this moment is just ridicilous... Bones aren't made of glass you know. And morphine isn't some super glue that magically puts them back together lol.


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Real question is, why dont you carry extra morphine?

You deserve to die to glitches and bugs if you aren't prepared. You know you can break bones easily, find morphine as priority, in hospitals.

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Real question is' date=' why dont you carry extra morphine?

You deserve to die to glitches and bugs if you aren't prepared. You know you can break bones easily, find morphine as priority, in hospitals.


Sometimes you run out before you can find more.

The OP deserves to die from mistakes, not glitches and bugs (which is not working as intended).

I for one like the idea of being able to break different bones instead of just leg all the time. There is another tread about breaking arms (+ bad aim) or ribs (+ run slower).

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Well, I didn't have morphine in the first place as it's only in medical loots spawns, and I spawned at Prig and avoided Cherno.

BUT, I got back to Cherno via crawling for 2+hrs, set W key up and set the bearing, went out for a bit. When I got back there was still about 10 mins crawl to get there. Got morphine from the back of hospital, fixed leg, got out. Saw a dead survivor with an AS50 + 5 mags, M9 SD and every gadget in the game, including RF's and NVG's (how, I don't know. I have NO idea how someone that well geared would have been anywhere NEAR Cherno let alone died just outside of it) so it turned out to be WELL worth the effort.

On the journey I got down to just over 1K blood too. Now I'm just outside of Stary again and back to 12K blood (found 2 cows and a pig on the way up), and no broken leg. So yeah, sometimes it can be worth it to crawl all the way back, hahaha.

Now I have a coyote pack with *2* morphine injectors (and a motherfucking GIANT rifle on my back). This won't happen again. Funny story, I hit a deer stand on the way back up, and it had morphine :/ A ~1/200 chance!

I guess for now we*have* to make a stop at a hospital before we go north.

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I think it would be ok if broken legs only lasted a set amount of time, like half an hour to an hour (loged in time), so if you have no morphene you can just wait it out, but it still penalizing you.

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This is one of those "adapt" situations i've had to face in many other games. Since it's a simulator it's kinda of a nuisance but otherwise all you gotta do to tackle the breaking bones is to carry that morphine. I second making bone-breaking more seldom though.

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I think it would be ok if broken legs only lasted a set amount of time' date=' like half an hour to an hour (loged in time), so if you have no morphene you can just wait it out, but it still penalizing you.


+1 to that idea.. it happens with broken arm after a short period of time it fixes by itself, so why not the same rules for a broken leg?

Usually just easier to hit respawn, unless you have too much to lose then good luck crawling somewhere it takes forever... especially if your looting deerstands and it happens lol

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...my plan is to sit something to hold down my W key and go do other stuff' date=' checking occasionally.


Ahhh, good old auto walk Lmao! What do you use if you don't mind me asking? Personally a weed grinder lid with the bowl portion to a pipe resting on my w key, provides the perfect weight so i can lightly press down to walk, and lightly pull up on the lid to stop :P (I've walked from the south west edge, to the NWAF, to NEAF, down to the hospital in Berez, back to NEAF, back again to NWAF, and down to cherno to pick up my cousin. Then we booked it all the way back up to NEAF. Given the map is 8*8 I can estimate that I have walked about 58 kilometers with about 60% of it on auto walk)

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"I was roaming around totally unprepared and paid the price! Quick, change the game design."

Anyway, patch is reducing frequency of broken bones. That seems reasonable as it seems like ~20% chance to break on zombie strike. A bit high. Maybe 5-10%? We will see what he comes up with.

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Yeah, my friend and I collided in a doorway and my leg broke. Then it happened to another friend who was just learning the game. I killed myself when it happened to me because fuck crawling around trying to find morphine, it's shitty and not fun. I just searched the airfield, 2 towns, and every tent in stary sobor looking for morphine for him. I think its fine if a zombie did it, but glitched ladders or doorways, no way.

We came out from the coast each with 1 morphine, but glitches on doorways broke our legs earlier, and we didn't find any by the time it happened again.

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TL;DR Didn't pack Morphine before running off into wilderness.

For serious though guys.

Find an Alice bag (Not exactly difficult).

3 Morphine, 5 bandages, 2 blood - 3 food, 3 drink, 3 meat.

That is 19/20 on your alice bag and you've not even touched your inventory yet, lame excuses for dying up North because you didn't think to loot a hospital first for medical supplies is frankly retarded and you got Darwin'd out the game. The game is about being eaten by Zombies and shot at by players - what did you think was going to happen? Crying about the glitches isn't going to help - the developers obviously know about it and have said broken bones are not working as intended, so genuinely either get morphine or log out.

Inb4 "only got a patrol pack."

1 blood, 2 morphine, 2 drink, 1 food.

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I always carry three morphine with me as well due to how bad this game is with breaking bones from glitches and falling off a rock the height of a small fence. Gotta agree that it should be temporarily removed until it works properly.

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I wouldnt mind seeing morphine/broken legs tweaked a bit.. People talk about realism but this mechanic seems pretty whack. Why do i break my leg when zombies hit me higher than torso level? How is an injection of morphine even close to being a realistic treatment for a broken leg/bone?

I realize its not feasible to make someone wait up to 6 months for the bone to heal on its own, but then think of something else instead of throwing together morphine and broken bones.

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You should be able to make a splint out of wood piles and bandages.

Right now the game mechanic is broken. I just broke my leg again, and it's ridiculous that I have to suicide because I don't want to crawl to a hospital to get a syringe filled with drugs (of all things) to fix my broken leg. I have a wood pile and some bandages, and that is really how you would fix a broken leg. Morphine.. lol.

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