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To people who said that the're gonna hide backpacks and see if they're still there later

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Go for it if you are a time waster.


All characters will be wiped when the game is released.


People should only test the persistence and not get attached to the loot they collect.

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All characters will be wiped when the game is released.


Hahahahahahahah :D And when's that gonna be?

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Hahahahahahahah :D And when's that gonna be?

We are alpha testing for our grand children, so once you're done go and spread your seeds as much as you can.

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I his some weapons and ammo on different servers (experimental) and they were still there the next day.

However, for some reason I did lose a sawed off Mosin from my bacpack

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well, i found one of these nice little back bags and restocked my food supply...so, it wasn't my back bag...but it definitly worked for me ;)

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Can confirm 15+ hours lifetime backpacks that survived server restart and preserved all items. Didn't check further.

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I've tried couple times leaving everything i have to a safe spot and see if they are there later.

Only on one occasion there was a pistol and some magazines left,otherwise everything went missing.


Today dropped everything half an hour before restart,nothing left.

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Go for it if you are a time waster.


All characters will be wiped when the game is released.


People should only test the persistence and not get attached to the loot they collect.


That is nonsensical, doing so IS testing the persistence.


Also, considering how far off the release is, why wouldn't one stash desirables to enjoy in the interim?

Edited by Spartacus Rex

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So I've just been back to check on my stuff. As expected, the leather sack was gone. I know someone took it because he left his badly damaged talon backpack in return.

The courier bag that couldn't be picked up was still where we left it. So yes, it does work.

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The numbers I saw were containers last 9 restarts, or around 36 hours.  Normal items last 2 restarts.  Tents are unknown but longer.


Interacting with said items, including containers, resets the timer.  I'd imagine you have to pick them up and drop them again, or alter their state (paint, split, whatever).

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Remember that only about 20% of the servers have persistent items, for those that even bother to try this. 


But i need to set up a tent soon :)

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